This knife is still unreal

So I'm going to try to participate in a cutting competition in September and had asked my friend Ray if he would make me a competition blade to use. He told me he wouldn't have time to do one before then, but (in a gesture of incalculable generosity) he would lend me one of his knives to use in the meantime. When I got it, I felt like someone who has been playing guitar less than a year had just been loaned a 57' Gibson Les Paul Custom to play their first gig at a punk club. This knife is ridiculous. After chopping through a liquor crate, wicker, rope, etc. this thing would still shave me. Just crazy good edge retention. If I flail miserably in competition it won't be because of the knife...

Well that seems . . . Effective! I'd say maybe try a little less 90 degree on the wood board chopping, to prevent binding, but otherwise you're killing it!