Throwing Khukris!

Feb 22, 1999
I once again make it my mission to give our range safety officer his daily heart attack

Who has tried to throw their khukri at anything? What sort of success have you had? I'm guessing that thrown properly, it would quite difficult to extract from the target, assuming there was much of a target left.
I only have a dartboard, and living in an apartment complex makes it difficult to lob large sharp pieces of steel through the backyard. Throwing it at the dartboard would probably result in having a nicely severed dartboard and a large chunk of missing drywall. It would probably mean that a next door neighbor would own a slightly used khukri.

Throwing a karda just doesn't compare. I wanna throw my 3 pound AK
Your three pound AK is not a good choice for throwing at a dartboard hung on an apartment wall. The neighbors might not like that AK flying thru their apartment and into the next most likely.

I have a pal, old Bando hand, who can hit a playing card 8 times out of 10 at a distance of 10 paces.

I have played with throwing using a chirwa style so I don't knock the handle off but am no good at it.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
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I've thrown a 15" Sirupati before. If you throw it wrong it has a tendency to come back at you. I am not sure I am crazy enough to throw my AK, besides I retired it? Try throwing X-acto knives at the dart board, that is kinda fun. Be careful, I should practice what I preach.
Matthew-the scarred one
I remember a stoopid movie of yesteryear, 'King of the Khyber Rifles' as I recall the title, though that may not be it, exactly. In it, a stalwart English 'sahib' played by '40's heart-throb Tyrone Power taught 'native troops of the Northwest frontier' (presumeably of India) how to use their Gurka knives. (Sorta like teaching grandma to suck eggs.) Sentry and sleeping enemy dispatch, using the two-handed 'chef chopping spinach' or 'look Ma at my two-pound steel garrote' method were shown; and also THROWING from a galloping horse. I think the script was influenced by scenes from Cowboy and Red Indian movies of the time.
Very funny, as recalled from the point of view we have today. Also bigoted, with all that 'white man's burden to keep peace among the warring tribes' BS. But they did throw the things, and they stuck pretty good. Personally I have thrown for nearly fifty years, at one time was pretty good with most knives, hatchets, even stick pens and thumb-tacks. And the khukuri would rank about dead last in my list of 'throwables'. A khurved weapon WILL come back atcher if it khits just right!! And besides, the handles are a pain to replace!


The sword cannot cut itself, the eye cannot see itself.
Ken I have had all kinds of sharp things bounce back at me. Luckely only one ever got me, but it was a close call and hit me near the corner of my mouth. It could as easily been my eye!
And you're right about the khukuri, much to hard to replace the handles!!

I threw a lot of knives and hatchets and like you got pretty good with both. Never thought about thumb tacks though!!! LMAO

That would be a definite blade hold wouldn't it?


Each person's work is always a portrait of himself.

---- Samuel Butler.

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Do I detect a whiff of scepticism?

The thumbtacks were the old kind, with a celluloid cap over the head. You 'threw' them by wetting your thumb with spit and sticking the tack to the wet spot, then interlocking your thumbs to 'make a butterfly' and snapping the thumbs apart to fire. They stuck well in corkboard, corduroy knickers, girl's jumpers, and other soft objects! You could also use a baseball-pitch technique at close range. If you threw it HARD, it would stick.

In school, I threw the old-fashioned dip-pens with detachable steel nibs. As good as darts. A couple of times a year, I would demonstrate how accurately I could do this, and got a lot of respect from the other hooligans in school, as a result. (The kid wore glasses and got A's, but you shouldn't mess with him or he'd put your eye out!)

I also used to throw nails, because they were cheap, and if you lost one it was not a big deal. Got a lot of city pigeons and sparrows with cut nails, sharpened to a fine point with a file.
Fortunately I outgrew all this nonsense, and have graduated to khukuris!

The sword cannot cut itself, the eye cannot see itself.
Tom, sorry, but given your status as Deputy Safety Officer,I am now upgrading this to Deputy Safety Officer for Life.
Such adventurism is what one looks for in outstanding candidates as yourself.

Tom :

Who has tried to throw their khukri at anything?

I have done throws from the handle in which the blade doesn't turn but just drops slightly (you release the blade before your arm hits parallel). These are easy to do but you can't get much distance with them even with a hard throw.

Slightly harder is a throw from the blade where the knife makes a half turn and sticks. You get much more distance this way, but it is significantly harder to do. The khukuris are fairly heavy and it is not trivial to hold them by the blade in this way, especially when you are moving your arm.

I have also very infrequently thrown them at larger distances where the blade has to make 1.5, and 2.5 turns. Once you get the 1/2 turn distance down these are not that much harder. But you want to be careful here as while the blades are not realy likely to get damaged, the horn, bone and wood handles are not nearly as durable.

The day I'll think of throwing a khukri will be a day when I really has to throw it and then I won't think of damaging the handle.
Those heavy choppers will probably have enough effect wichever way they hit the "target".