throwing khuks?

Bri in Chi said:
I never understood throwing your weapon away.:rolleyes:
But then, there are a lot of things people do that I don't understand.:yawn:

that's why you have a lot of them :> a LOT, and they come back hopefully :)

house of daggers :>

How did this thread get through 20 posts without someone mentioning the the one advantage a khukuri has over other throwing weapons...the ability to use the cho as a sight. ;)
SASSAS said:
How did this thread get through 20 posts without someone mentioning the the one advantage a khukuri has over other throwing weapons...the ability to use the cho as a sight. ;)

probably because you really need one with an adjustable cho to take into account the subtle variations in each persons style. HI do not have one in their catalogue, maybe we'll see one in ybb....i'm waiting on a laser cho myself.
Have to give a nod to Bri in Chi, as the logic of throwing your weapon away is pretty shaky to me. I mean, it may work for Batman, but he has a utility belt full of small bat wings and stuff to throw, not just one khuk.

munk said:
Have to give a nod to Bri in Chi, as the logic of throwing your weapon away is pretty shaky to me. I mean, it may work for Batman, but he has a utility belt full of small bat wings and stuff to throw, not just one khuk.


what? you mean you don't carry a bandoleer of khuks around with you as part of your EDC?:rolleyes:
Well when needed ,and when I have 3 khuks, for sure I'd throw 1. When I have 1, for sure I do not throw, if I have 2.....I do not know.
I would guess, were I inclined to attempt to silently take out a sentry, and stepped on a twig before I was close enough, that I might throw my knife, khukuri, hatchet or whatever to disrupt his attack on me long enough to close ground to him or get my rifle into play. I don't know that anyone is so good at throwing anything in that situation that they expect to get a killing shot, particularly an instant, silent kill. Afterward, I could hopefully run like the dickens before everyone that I had hoped to take by surprise sneaking by the sentry figured out where I was and started shooting at me. As there is only so much time to train in everything you do, I don't know how much real time you put into this specific and rather esoteric skill for practical purposes. If it's a hobby though, it beats TV or the Internet for most practical applications. :)

I'd really rather take out a sentry to dinner and a movie though, provided she was cute.
I too agree with the idea that throwing your main weapon at someone may not be a good idea . Especially something as heavy as a Kukuuri can be dodged by a practiced individual . I also wonder that I may make myself pre-disposed towards doing so by throwing blades in practice . I can think of instances where it would be an option . Not only can you hunt with knives and spears there are some states that are looking at allowing Atlatl,s as an alternative to rifles in rifle season .
A thrown weapon could also be used when you cannot reach your opponent any other way . If you are separated by others fighting and cannot close with your enemy . If you are lying in wait (ambush) and do not want to reveal your exact location to a superior force . I have heard of tomahawks being thrown underhand in a crowded gathering in an attempt to disguise where it came from .(A quick whack to the back of the head of a debator may lean the argument in your favor .)
All strengths are weaknesses and all weaknesses can become a strength !
One of my instructors asked me " Why do you want to throw a two hundred dollar weapon when a two dollar piece of re-bar will do the same thing ?
Kevin the grey said:
One of my instructors asked me " Why do you want to throw a two hundred dollar weapon when a two dollar piece of re-bar will do the same thing ?

why does the bushman throw his killstick 300 yds towards a rabbit?
because it works. oh, and he has more than one, likely :)

if you sharpen up that rebar on both ends, and practice, yah, you can make it stick, but no way is it going 300 yds.

in college we went to a hardware store and bought 12" long nails (about 1/3-1/2" thick?) and ground sharp 3 sides points to both ends. we got very good at sticking them to things within about 30 feet. that's about it.

still, a good reason might be: if you have to throw, you throw what you are carrying. i imagine 2 lbs of metal thrown reasonably accurately is going to startle the crap out of someone aware of it (they saw you do it), and possibly shock them enough if not (ow, what was that), with the possibility of actually doing some devastating harm if you succeed - hopefully you have a follow through. the fabled vietnam tomahaws - people didn't throw those either did they? they got all sneaky and crept up on their enemy and smaxor!

sentry? you want silent? cross-bow!

- hopefully you have a follow through. the fabled vietnam tomahaws - people didn't throw those either did they? they got all sneaky and crept up on their enemy and smaxor!


My buddy had this cut out metal slab in the shape of a bowie Knife . About the only reason it stuck in is cause it weighed almost two pounds .
He never talked about it but every time he threw he ran in . Sure looked like he was practicing to me .
Steve Poll said:
Never give up or drop your weapon.

Thanks, Steve

What about caltrops ? They aint gonna do much good in yer pocket ! Unless you are into that kinda thing ! L:O:L

Landmines are another item that are best dispersed with largess !

Hmm caltrops , medeval landmines ! L:O:L
personally, I don't have a problem with throwing a knife. I think it's a good skill. Apparently, so did hundreds and thousands (and perhaps millions?) of warriors throughout history have made weapons specifically for throwing.

And only one of them "comes back"....:p

Now...I have no immediate plans to throw an H.I. khukuri...but I do plan on making a "throwing khukuri" someday - just out of plan ole 1/4" stock, with a cord-wrapped handle. That would be fun to throw. :thumbup:
It is probably unwise to throw a weapon as effective in H2H combat as a Kukri at anyone that doesn't like you. If for some reason you miss, or do not kill, you have now armed your opponent with an effective weapon, vs. a standard throwing knife, which is pretty much useless for fighting except to maybe throw it back. That said, unless you happen to be fighting against a nation which doesn't issue firearms to its troops, on moral grounds of course, it is probably more likely that the person you throw the Kukri at will simply rack the action on his or her AK and show you why taking out sentries is better done with something suppressed that takes thirty round magazines.

kuraa pokha, manmaa naraakha
Steve Poll said:
Never give up or drop your weapon.

Thanks, Steve
That was one of my late brother's pet peeves.
He was an International Terrorist (AKA Freedom Fighter) and it was quite an experience to watch action movies with him. We both detested the "hidden pipe ramp" or the car exploding half way down after going off the cliff :grumpy: :mad: :thumbdn:
His big pet peeves in these films was
1) Throwing the empty gun away
Roy Emory Hargraves said:
You might find ammunition somewhere.
2) Leaving an apparent unconscious enemy's weapon where they could be recovered.
Roy Emory Hargraves said:
You either take them for your own use or if you are already in good shape - get rid of them. It's also a good idea if the other guy isn't going to wake up either.

I had a laugh one time when he was trying to decide which meat package he was going to buy and set one down to get a better look at the other when some schmuck reached around and grabbed it then started arguing when my brother complained that he hadn't made up his mind yet. Man, if that idiot only knew who he was picking a fight with. Fortunatly for him my brother had an outstanding felony warrent and had to keep a low profile.

Enough geezer rambeling.:foot:
bullfrog99 said:
It is probably unwise to throw a weapon as effective in H2H combat as a Kukri at anyone that doesn't like you. If for some reason you miss, or do not kill, you have now armed your opponent with an effective weapon, vs. a standard throwing knife, which is pretty much useless for fighting except to maybe throw it back.

I've seen this argument a number of times, and it always bugs me. How the heck have you armed them? If you threw it hard enough to injure them, it's not likely to hand quietly at their feet where they can pick it up. If it does land at their feet, it's because it bounced off them somehow -- and then they'll be hurting or wondering if they're dead for a moment - long enough that you can start to rush them while they're bending over to pick it up.

or am I just being an armchair ninja?