I guess I'll be the voice of descent...
I have a Ti Lite and love it.
While the Delta Z is cheaper you're taking a step down in material and I personally don't like the looks of it as much (isn't that what counts?).
I also think it's a bit unfair to say the Ti-Lite is over priced, you're getting a very well made knife, Ti handles & a custom makers design all for around $120.
The lock on mine is as rock solid as any liner lock I've owned. Absoultely Zero blade play and once it was broke in it was smooth as butter.
Cold Steel has been very successful with their Aus-8 and while it may be a lower quality than the D2 in a Cuda Maxx, that's not what you asked about.
You can take almost any knife and find another knife in it's price range that has better materials, but it all comes down to what you like the looks of - everything else should take second place.
I think that Cold Steel nailed the classic looks of this knife and delivered a good product while doing so