
Jan 31, 2003
Does anyone out here have a Cold Steel ti-lite.
What are your opinios on this knife? It looks to have some cool features! And is Ti a good metal for a knife as I have never had any knife made with Ti.
Also is it worth the $$$$$$.

I had one. I gave it away. It is not a great utility knife and the traditional stiletto look fails to reassure non-knife people :)

Titanium is as good a handle material as you can get, and more widely used all the time, for example, by Chris Reeve Knives for their folders, and by Darrell Ralph for his Camillus CUDA Maxxes as well as his own custom folders. Of course, some people don't care for bare metal handles, but mechanically it works beautifully.

In fact, the handle is one of the truly impressive aspects of the Ti-Lite! I especially didn't care for the liner lock. It was strong enough but seemed clumsy to work it. The flippers were interesting. At one point I removed the thumb stud and just used the flippers to open it, even by friction against a surface.
Personally I think the Ti-Lite is way overpriced. If you like the stiletto look, try and find one of the newly introduced Delta Z Stilettos. Since Delta Z is going out of business they might have some on their web site. I also think Knife Outlet might have some left. Much less expensive, yet very similar to the Ti-Lite.
I love the looks of the Cold Steel Ti-Lite, but it is overpriced for a folder with an AUS-8A blade. Heck, you can get the Camillus Cuda Maxx for the same MSRP!
I have to second jayharley on the Delta Z. This is a nice knife! It's only superficially like the Ti-Lite. Actually, it's much more solid, the lock is great, even the opening action is more positive. I put a great edge on the blade.
I got to play with one at the Blade show, and knew I wanted it! I am real pleased with mine. As big as it is, it's very easy to use because that massive handle throws the weight back away from the blade. It sharpened up quickly on the Sharpmaker, although it wasn't dull when I got it. Stilettos aren't natural slicers, but this one would do for an EDC.
I guess I'll be the voice of descent... ;)

I have a Ti Lite and love it.

While the Delta Z is cheaper you're taking a step down in material and I personally don't like the looks of it as much (isn't that what counts?).

I also think it's a bit unfair to say the Ti-Lite is over priced, you're getting a very well made knife, Ti handles & a custom makers design all for around $120.

The lock on mine is as rock solid as any liner lock I've owned. Absoultely Zero blade play and once it was broke in it was smooth as butter.

Cold Steel has been very successful with their Aus-8 and while it may be a lower quality than the D2 in a Cuda Maxx, that's not what you asked about.

You can take almost any knife and find another knife in it's price range that has better materials, but it all comes down to what you like the looks of - everything else should take second place.

I think that Cold Steel nailed the classic looks of this knife and delivered a good product while doing so ;)