Tie Lanyard Help Request !!!


Dec 25, 2002
No problem tying the Lanyard at the end, but how do I wind it up tight to the knife handle so it is not hanging down loose ?

Is there a website with directions to make that nice spiral tight lanyard ?


JB :)
Here you go!



I am trying to follow the pics, but cannot get it right! The ends of my Lanyard are tied, So it is in a sense on large loop now. Doesn't seem to fit the pics :)

Originally posted by APM
Here you go!


The graphics posted depict tying a Hangman's Noose. This is the kind found on Chris Reeve knives.

It is not, however, the most secure type of knot if that is the look you want -- unless the purpose is to be able to slide the knot.

The Hangman's Noose shown can of course have the loop, which goes through the lanyard hole, adjusted. If this is not necessary, then a Multiple Overhand Knot is better. It looks almost exactly the same, but is tied differently and cannot work itself loose the way that last little tuck of a Hangman's Noose can. I don't remember if the CRKs have significant lengths of free cord below their knots; if they don't, then the purpose of a Hangman's Noose is defeated and you might as well use the M.O.K. since it is sturdier.

Instructions for tying the Multiple Overhand Knot are found all over in a Google search. (Sorry, I don't have a link at hand.)
Just search the forums. I found tons of stuff and i can tie a few different styles fine now.
I made a couple of lanyards today using the knot illustrated on Chris Reeve's website. It took 3 feet of cord to make one of sufficient length for me.