Timberline Mini Pit Bull


Dec 10, 2000
I just got my Timberline Lightfoot Mini Pit Bull from the KnifeCenter today and decided to let you guys know how pleased I am. I've bought just about every CRKT fixed blade (as well as folders) and they can't compare. This thing is awesome! Three inch blade of AUS6, Zytel scales that look and feel more like G10, and a great sheath with a clip like the one on the CRKT Ryan Plan B sheath. Fit and finish is excellent. Best of all it doesn't say MADE IN TAIWAN!

Highly recommended.

If this is Mr Clayton Hubbard, then it's a pleasure to talk with you once again. I traded a Spyderco Endura for the very same knife and I look forward to receiving it. Take care!!
Absolutely Robert! Good to hear from you! The little Timberline is great. It's a bit smaller than I expected, but it feels great in the hand IMHO, and it's the best factory neck knife that I've tried.

Best regards,
Clayton Hufford
I got one of these today. Surprisingly comfortable for a small knife.

I have seen the sheath advertised on some sites as being kydex, it isn't. The sheath is remarkably similar to sheaths from CRK&T. The sheath is sufficient, but it isn't kydex.

The knife came razor sharp.

I plan on carrying it on duty for a few days and I'll add more.