Time for a giveaway Me thinks, how about five winners

Jun 11, 2005
Here are the rules, You must have at least two previous posts in this forum ( Kershaw Knives/ Zero Tolerance) to play. Only one post per person. Tell me your favorite thing about Kershaw / Zero Tolerance, it can be about the knives, the people, the service, etc. Only one favorite please, so think it through. I will use the random number generator to pick winners and I will give away five low priced Kershaws of my choice, one to each of five winners. I want people to see just how nice these knives really are. Winners will be picked Friday 10/14. No International shipping available, sorry. So to recap, one post only, one favorite thing about Kershaw. Ready, set , GO !
just one? :D

i like how kershaw has such a wide scope of knives. basically anyone from a person who needs a knife to a full blown knifenut can find something they like.
My favorite thing about Kershaw is the innovation. Things like SpeedSafe, composite blades, rainbow finish, flippers in production knives, and over-the-top showpiece models that later become affordable production models, are all a part of the company's innovation.

Thanks for the chance.
Thanks for the give away Dave.

For me it's the overall fit and finish - just super. (Probably why I have five at the moment)
Amazing quality for the price!
You get superb knives for relatively little!

Mr. Dave, you're a very nice man to be holding a giveaway like this!
Thanks for the opportunity!
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I love how even the "cheap" kershaw knives have the fit and finish if the more expensive ones. I work for a retailer and kershaws are just so easy to sell whether it be a novice or an oldtimer.

Kershaws ftw!

And thanks for the chance!
I love that you have quality knives at affordable prices and I carry my skyline everyday! I have heard that the customer service is outstanding, I have not had to use it myself. I also like that I can get info from if need be! What's not to like, I could go on, but I think you get the point!
My favorite thing about Kershaw is that they have low-priced and higher-end offerings to choose from.

Thanks for the chance!

I could always use another kershaw:D

My favorite thing that hasn't already been mentioned would be the awesome men and women that are part of the kershaw community, Bladeforums or anywhere else. I know if i have a question about say my knife, upcoming releases, older models ETC..... There is going to be someone to answer it. I think that's purty cool:)
I like that they are tough. You don't see many folders these days that are built to do work. Also I like zt's commitment to using high end materials.
Glad to have a chance at another kershaw. :D My favorite thing about kershaw is the fact that they still care about the work they do. It shows in every thing from even grinds to perfectly centered blades to the customer service after the sale. And the fact that I can afford to give one to my daughter as her first knife is a big plus.
Affordable quality over a wide selection. I can count the other knives I have from any other brand with one hand, Kershaws however...

I like that their knives offer innovation and quality at a great price. Also they have knives that you want so bad it will drive you crazy til you get them (for me it's the Diskin Hunter).
Thanks for the chance.
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Their Customer Service is top notch!! That's a huge factor in making quality knives and standing behind your product!
Thanks Dave!

Sorry to break the rules, but I'll have to say Kershaw & ZT's amazing quality to price point ratio and Thomas W. (Heck while I'm breaking the rules, all the great people at Kai USA too!)

I actually hit reply before Thomas posted and my internet connection went down.