Time fraim on donating a khukuri?

Feb 1, 2001
I was wondering how long we have to donate a khukuri to one of Sarge's troops? If we mail it on Monday or Tuesday will it get there in time?
Also is 18 inch to big for troops or would that be prefered over a smaller one?;)
Chris, next Monday or Tuesday would be slicing it awful fine. Wouldn't want your khuk winding up in my held mail down at the post office. We don't have a definite roll out date yet, there are some variables beyond our control. But, I know from experience and keeping my ear to the ground that it won't be long now. If I get good scoop that we'll be delayed, I'll let you guys know straight away. Barring that, if it ain't already sent, I'd hold off. Down the road I'll be able to get out a good APO address, so don't sweat it buddy, we'll work through whatever comes up.


edited to add: 18 inchers and under are fine, no real need for the bigger fellows. I've had all my briefings and the terrain we'll be traveling won't include any jungles that need hacking through.;)
Ok What ever you think is best. I have a khukuri(AK) that will do more good with you/one of your troops than keeping the other khukuris company!:D Just let me know when it is safe to ship it to you and I'll get it in the mail!