Time to pick Handle Preferences on the K9 Dingo

#25 Mark B. Black G10 for me please.

Also interested in the price on the second set, sure would like some of that translucent Green G10 on this bad boy!

Edited to add:
Is that me on the extras list twice??? Not sure what that is in reference to... Let me know if it's me and I'm commited to buying something! I would be in for a set of handles, price pending. I just hope I didn't get my wires crossed and order three knives by mistake! As much as I'd love to have three, I can only afford one!

different Mark B (popular name, I guess...:D)

Green Linen for me on this beauty.

An extra set of Black scales too if I can swing it, depends on pricing. :)

can't remember your first name, last initial bro...:o

Hi Dan,

I've just paid deposit for black G10


Thanks, Alex. :thumbup:

If your handle preference isn't shown above....I need you to post to this thread ASAP!!!

Send in your handle preference ASAP


make sure you guys are putting down your first name, last initial in with your post.



I also am not on the 'Handle Preference' or 'Official Rescue' list.

Money sent via PayPal on May 2nd, 2008 from GoBagGear[at]gmail.com.
(Transaction ID: 8T2855910X707793A)

I will take the Green Canvas Mircata Handle - Bead-Blast

Thanks -
William Y.
Pflugerville, Texas
Yes...I had a note for yours....but did not know which to assign it to....waiting to hear from you first.

Glad we can get this straightened out.

You're on the list now.


Hi Dan,
Sorry--I wasn't watching this thread as closely as I should---green micarta on both of mine, please. :)

Warren H.
The first run is almost finished up. Looks like I may have a few extra's. I will post them on the forums and mailing list as soon as I get them finished.

If you are not on the mailing list, now is a good time to sign up.

Put me down for a black g-10. You can't checker the scales, can ya? I need a mate for my Hi-power.