Tip Up clip for the Carnivor

Bob Taylor

Platinum Member
Dec 10, 1998
Thanks for all those that gave their views after this survay and the active one at the last Show (people tried both) Tip up is the winner and my personal peferance for this knife. The reason for most liner locks being in tip down is the ball detent. Lock backs always keep a constant pressure on the tang preventing a accidental opening. The new technology in the Rolling Lock allows the cam which is under constant spring pressure to hold the knife close. This is very positive and safe. Sal at Spyderco thinks this allows for a gravity knife. Yes if you pull back on the slide bar it releases the blade so it snaps open very easy.
Some of the comments were very constructive and got us thinking.
Deep Pocket Carry we will place the clip as far back as we can but our clip only allows it to ge so far back.
The diffrance in our design one screwhole with tab and the three hole designis the thread size. Most the three hole designs use a 2/56and there isnt much thread there. Our clip uses a 6/32 and the hole is drilled undersized a 37 drill bit to give 100% thread. In test I can hold the knife down by standing on it grab the clip with vise grips and pull with legs and am strength without pulling the clip off.
A soft clip is not feasable to expensive for us to do. One trick I can pass along is use heat shrink tubing.It subdues the clip and protects the workd from your clip which is what scratches more things than the Knife itself. Thanks again for all your imput

Bob Taylor