• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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Tip Up for the Carvivor

Thanks for all those that gave their views. After this survey and the active one at the last Show (people tried both) Tip up is the winner and my personal preference for this knife. The reason for most liner locks being in tip down is the ball detent. Lock backs always keep a constant pressure on the tang preventing an accidental opening. The new technology in the Rolling Lock allows the cam that is under constant spring pressure to hold the knife close. This is very positive and safe. Sal at Spyderco thinks this allows for a gravity knife. Yes if you pull back on the slide bar it releases the blade so it snaps open very easy.
Some of the comments were very constructive and got us thinking.
Deep Pocket Carry we will place the clip as far back as we can but our clip only allows it to go so far back.
The differences in our design one screw hole with tab and the three hole designs the thread size. Most the three-hole designs use a 2/56and there isn’t much thread there. Our clip uses a 6/32 and the hole is drilled undersized a 37 drill bit to give 100% thread. In test I can hold the knife down by standing on it grab the clip with vise grips and pull with legs and arm strength without pulling the clip off.
A soft clip is not feasible to expensive for us to do. One trick I can pass along is use heat shrink tubing. This subdues the clip and protects the world from your clip, that is what scratches more things than the Knife itself. Thanks again for all your comments and suggestions
Bob Taylor

My Sebenza has converted me to the "tip-up" camp, so I think you chose wisely. Excellent.

I came really close to getting a Carnivour (how do you spell the name?) a couple weeks ago, and all this talk is making me itchy again.


Sniffle... sniffle... Heck, I'm still getting one anyway. Bob, at least you ask. I respect and defer to the tip up majority contingent here.

BINGO! Seriously, where can we see a picture and how can we order one?


[This message has been edited by Bernie (edited 30 March 1999).]

I own two of your Pocket Hobbits and they are the finest self protection folders availabe. I will be buying a carnivour when available. Is this knife a POLITICALLY CORRECT Hobbit ?

Any Idea when the carnivor will be out?
Im looking forward to getting mine.
I feel really special to have had my REKAT Carnivour for a couple of weeks and to have one that has the original and soon to be out-of-date and out-of-production tip-down carry clips!

I should probably start taking bids now on this serious collector’s item!


The Carnivor should be out in three to four weeks in mass. We sort of got caught by supprise by the demand and the first two short runs were gone before they were finished. We have a large run in production with some changes. The blade will be flat ground, the first two runs were hollow ground, The Crawford upswept shaped Blade and a slight change in the handle and the Clip on the butt for tip up carry. We are working 7 days a week to get caught up and try to get a bit ahead.

Bob Taylor

I think the Crawford upswept blade and flat grind are great modifications. I think you have winner with the Carnivour. Looking forward to getting mine.
