Tippman Users! Is this a good deal?


I believe the regular price for the Tippman is $1600. You can buy it almnost any time for $1295 through Tandy and get all the factory guarantees; get freebe's too.

See TandyLeather.com

there are two people that have been selling them at that price for at least a year now so there is no hurry if you are looking for a deal and are worried about losing that one. it will be there again later.
Thank you, My Friends. That's just what I needed to hear. I did however see an Aerostitch going real cheap on ebay. That may bear investigation for those of you who feel like you want the next step up.
I have one of the older cast iron models and would not swap it for the new aluminum machines. Used machines are available for upwards of $600 and the factory does an excellent tune up very reasonably. If you believe those "Free" accessories to be a $1000 value, you also believe in the tooth fairy. The machine is adequate for many chores, but I will withhold any raves about its capabilities. They claim up to 90 stitches a minute but fail to state how many minutes you could keep up that very tiring rate. Due to the fact that you have to hold and guide the material with one hand and operate the lever with the other, be content with half that figure at best----However---I will be one of the first to say that I would detest returning to hand stitching. Sandy