To cheer everybody up

Apr 5, 2000
My roomate has a brick he uses to prop the door open. I was looking at the brick and for some reason decided it was too big. I just finished steeling out the last few chips I put in my AK, I must have thought it didn't look right without them. So I brought out the AK and chopped the brick. The brick split. From the looks of it I would say I chopped into the brick a good third of an inch. There were a few sparks that flew, but almost no damage to the blade whatsoever. I already steeled the chips out! I love this knive, it's a monster. Everyone go and buy an AK.
Matthew-the slightly deranged one
OK I was bored
They work pretty danged good on cured cow and horse bones as well.

Let alone almost anything else you wanna chop on.
Don't know as if I would chop concrete or a brick unless I was really P.Oed. though.(VBEG)


"I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."

........unknown, to me anyway........

Khukuri FAQ
Himalayan Imports Website
I would respectfully suggest using the back of the blade for brick-splitting.

--Mike L.

What goes around...comes around.
Mike, I did that too. That's not as much fun though. It is time to retire the AK though. It has suffered enough abuse. I was just getting it back for biting me so many times.

Uh? Matthew, retire the AK from what?


"I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."

........unknown, to me anyway........

Khukuri FAQ
Himalayan Imports Website
I think the AK has done enough work in its life and now it can sit on a desk and look pretty indtead of being grimey and rusty.

I think the AK has done enough work in its life and now it can sit on a desk and look pretty instead of being grimey and rusty. It deserves to be pampered now, and not abused-well maybe I'll bring it out to chop a few limbs but nor much more than that.
I don't know what that was all about.

[This message has been edited by LongRifle (edited 11-08-2000).]
So, Matthew, how're you gonna entertain yourself now that you've given up brickchopping? Perhaps you should try bolt cutting, auto body-panel trimming, steel-barrel top removal, or . . . (give me time, I'll think of some more)!