Today's Busse Adventure


Nov 21, 2001
I arrived home this afternoon, after crossing the Strait of Juan de Fuca in a medium blow, to be greeted by my wife, who had a nice, fresh, 45 pound halibut. For me to clean and butcher.

I dragged it in to the downstairs kitchen (the "guy" kitchen, with the floor that can be hosed off, as opposed to the upstairs kitchen, the "company" kitchen...), and start to get to work. I haul out my cleaver and big butcher knife.

Then I pause for a moment - I hear the cry of INFI in the distance...

Cackling with glee, I go and grab the Basic 3 and a Basic 7, figuring the handles would be perfect while working on the slimy critter.

Verdict - a perfect set of tools for the job. They worked much better than my traditional kitchen tools. The handles were great when wet and gooey. Cutting through the heavy spine was easy, and the Basic 3 in particular was a joy - the combination of the short blade for getting inside, and the longer handle for leverage was perfect.

Three cheers for Busse. Now, if I could only get some INFI fishing hooks, my luck might improve...
From the size of the fish Marc gets, I suspect he has some INFI hooks.

You might want to check with him;)
Cool :D

That sounds fun. I'm lucky if I get to butcher some partially frozen hamburger meat :rolleyes: :D
I'm confused! You are out crossing the Strait of Juan de Fuca, presumably in a boat or waterborne craft of some sort and you return to find your wife with the 45 lb. halibut??? What was she doing, fishing at the dock while you were out oin the boat? If that's what they have around the dock where you live, I would hate to see what lurks offshore!:eek:
First, Nimrod is perceptive as ever - how the heck did your wife get the fish when you were out on the ocean ?

Two, I cannot help you with hooks, as I spear the fish I catch. But INFI does work quite well in 4 ft shafts for penetration!

Three, I must agree, the Basics handles are great and it is the Basic 7 that I keep on my boat as well. Fish are no problemo !

Great story Brian - keep them coming!!
Cool Brian!:D

The biggest thing I've used a Basic 3 on was a mess of Stripers and I agree that the handles work great for slimy critters:)
She probably went to the market like the rest of us do.
I hunt and fish, and thank God we don't have to live off of
this. We would starve:( Came home a few times with empty hands.:D
Originally posted by contender
First, Nimrod is perceptive as ever - how the heck did your wife get the fish when you were out on the ocean ?

My neighbor is a fisherman, who goes up to Alaska, loads up on halibut/salmon/cod/..., and then rushes back to the island here, selling his catch to the locals.

He apparently returned a few days early, and gave my wife the halibut, and some nice salmon (which is in the smoker right now) in exchange for some legal assistance she had provided him. Local barter economies are great!

Someone paid her in goats last year, and we swapped the goats to a friend, in exchange for a lifetime supply of goat cheese/milk.
Originally posted by bae

Cackling with glee, I go and grab the Basic 3 and a Basic 7,

This is the same thing I do, everytime I pick up a Busse. ;):D:D

Great Story, thanks for sharing it :D:D