Today's Deals 1-15-03 ( what's left after I pick them over )


Mar 8, 1999
Will be going up to Reno and visiting Titanic II. Of course I'm broke, but there is always the credit card if any of Uncle's deals look scrumptious enough...

You think I'm kidding? Earlier last year Harry ( aka Apothecary ) just "happened" to call Uncle to shoot the "breeze" ( um-hum, sure ) and asked what was going on and Bill said he was about to put up 4 deals for the day. He ended up posting 3 because Harry grabbed the fourth one on the spot.

Or maybe I'll go thru the inventory looking to see if Uncle overlooked any Durba's. You won't mind if I grab the last half dozen Tsimi, will you?

OK, time to turn in so I can get an early start. For me that's around noon.:p :p :p
I KNEW IT!Koz, was &is up to no good!!He probably got what I was going to get!As for you Rus"FORGET IT"!! All the old REAL Durba's are gone(you can have the ones made by whoever stole his mark)! For your info."I" have been buying Durba's ,on the sl..I mean brothrs in the OLD brotherhood (I think you remember my HONEST organization,that was raid...I mean hounded & forced to go underground)! Durba's are all gone!hee! Bwaaaa!
jim(Saint) :cool:

Not fair picking over the specials before Bill posts them.:grumpy:
...seroiusly, callinng is good. Uncle then can give you a run-down on what he's got. This is especially useful if you have your eye fixed on a certain khuk. You jsut call up, say hi, and ask if there are blems or specials in the category you're loking for. Also, that means you're talking to Uncle directly, which is always fun and rewarding. It's cool to put a human voiice to all the pix and forum threads...

I really try hard to stay out of the inventory shed. Hard enough when Bill has a half dozen kothimodas in silver and deer horn or bone lying all over the place.

Just teasing Tsimi. ;) :p