Tops Street Scalpel...opinions?

Mar 6, 2003
After just learning that the local constabulatory would take a dim view of me toting around a Helle's Belle in a Dundee rig since the knife laws restrict me to a 2.5" (!!! Grrr!, Boo!, Hiss!) blade, my options are really limited.

I just heard of Tops Street Scalpel. Could anyone here tell me how it feels in the hand? (I've got small hands) How nimble it is and practical for defense? (Keeping in mind this is going to be my primary defensive blade.)
Also does anyone prefer the micarta vs. paracord wrap?

I'll probably carry two of them in River City Sheaths since I like a horizontal belt carry/draw.
I've also been steered toward kerambits by shootist16 but I prefer thrusting over a slashing approach. However I still can't help drooling over the new Tarani Kerambit. :p

Thanks for your help!
Had a Street Scalpel, carried it a half-dozen times & then traded it off. Fine knife, just a bit overbuilt for my taste. It's thick (1/4") & unneccecarily heavy for a knife it's size designed for low-profile, quick access/deployment. IMHO you don't need 1/4" stock in a blade that small. If you needed an emergency piton while clinging to a rock face, it would make sense. For a "street" carry, I like something thinner, lighter & less obtrusive. Try a LaGriffe.
Just my $0.02. YMMV.
Been pokin around, the LaGriffe seems to be a nice little blade. Actually the scalpel being so thick is one of the reasons I like it, I prefer a knife with some heft. However the piton similarity is not missed, from the specs I can see the little bugger outweighs my BM TSEK.
ha...two of yer threads in a row I stumbled across....

Anyhoo, I had one, carried it for a construction season...overall, it's well made, by a great company, but overall I detest the darn thing. It has about as much cutting efficiency as a Common Screwdriver. It's fantastic for doin' crap that yer not s'posed to use a knife for anyways, but it fails miserably at it's primary duty...CUTTING THINGS. Ya' still may wanna look at other offerings from TOPS though, I like about 97% of what they offer well enough, the Scalpel is just the one I dislike the most. (Even though I aint a huge fan of the Prairie Fox either)

I gotta cast another vote for the Griffe. I carry one every darn day of my life, 24/7...well..sometimes more like 16/7, but you get the point. overall, it's just awesome. fantastic retention, razor sharp, and very concealable and easy to live with. I cycle through my Rekats, Benchmades, Balisongs, autos, larger fixed blades, etc. but the Griffe is the one companion that is ALWAYS with me. I found it quite easy to put a Mini Tek-lock on the sheath and carry it horizontally on my belt. Heck man, I live in a state where I darn near COULD get away with carrying a Hells Belle, but I still choose the Griffe. Thought about getting a second one to carry horizontally on the other side of my belt. (did ya' know it's easy to grapple with the Griffe in yer forepaw as well?)

Since ya' mentioned smaller forepaws, in regards to a folder ya' might take a look at the MOD Ladyhawk. I once had one, and loved it except for the fact that it disappeared in my forepaws. (I've got pretty large thick hands)

Anyhoo, bottom line is that I personally didn't get along with the Scalpel worth a damn, although I did achieve a balance between that and my Swiss Adventurer. Oh yeah, and it was the one knife I wasn't terrified to loan to my knife-ignorant often baffoon like co-workers.
I would suggest keeping an eye on the forums or dealer sites for a Snody Snake Charmer. THey are a fixed blade with blade length of less then 2" but the handle is significantly longer with a kerambit style hole on the end. I've heard them described as a tactical bird and trout knife. The blade on mine is a drop point, so the thrusting capabilities are still there, unlike with most traditional hookbill kerambits. I picked mine up from for about $100 + shipping. Your best bet would be to e-mail them about a waiting list or getting to a show where Snody sets up and buy it direct. His knives are going for significantly higher prices on the secondary market then they are direct from him right now, because he is not taking orders. I originally bought it because I know they jump in price drasticly, but it has really grown on me and I love it. Mine came with a neck carry sheath, but I believe you could attatch a teklok. Or have river city make you a sheath or 2. This would be my choice over the street scalpel. Hope I was able to help a bit.

The La Griffe is a great little knife very suitable for SD purposes. It's easy to conceal, light, quick, and is one helluva slasher. However, I ended up giving it away to somebody and I never really did miss having it.

The Street Scalpel looks like a prison shank. It's a 1/4 inch thick, so if used to stab/thrust it will leave a wound that's nice and wide. It's a small knife so it should still be fast despite it's thickness. I think I'll get one next week.
Originally posted by Runs With Scissors

I gotta cast another vote for the Griffe. I carry one every darn day of my life, 24/7...well..sometimes more like 16/7, but you get the point.

Whaaaaa!!!!??? You mean you don't sleep with a knife?!?:D :D :D

I recently got a street scalpel and I think it is a very nice knife. I actually like how thick it is, makes it feel tough. As for the cutting it hasnt really failed me yet. I carry mine at work where I wear a shirt and tie and so far no one's noticed.
I like mine quite a bit. Bought a second one for a friend. Nice weight. Extra weight doesn't really mean much because almost all of it is in your fist. I think you would be very pleased with it. Very inexpensive. I picked both of mine up in the exchange forum. I think Ryan still has one to let go.
sorry to revive such and long dead thread but I would like to know how your knives worked out in the long run