Torx size for MT LCC clip screws?

Jan 5, 2001
Can anyone tell me the size of Torx bit that I need to change the clip on my MT LCC? The nice folks at MicroTech sent me one of the new stronger clips for free when I inquired. When I went to install it I discovered that none of my current Torx drivers are small enough. I'd be happier getting a new one if I was certain it was the right size.

--Bob Q
It is a T-6, one of the sizes in the Benchmade torx kit.

James Segura
San Francisco, CA
Be forewarned! The screws are loc-tited in place and are extremely difficult to remove. Best bet is to hold a soldering iron tip to the screw til it heats up. This softens the loc-tite and makes removal much easier.

AKTI# A000150
NC Custom Knifemakers Guild member
NC Knife Knuts member
Thanks for the warning and the tip. I would never have thought to loosen the stuff up. And I've stripped a lot of screws in my day.

--Bob Q
Just be glad you're not in my boat. My clip bent, despite having the right sized torx bits and heating the screw I cannot get them to budge and I've started to distort the head. Not only that, but I can't get a hold of ANYONE at MT to get an return number to send it back to them. Argh! yourself a favor and get a Torx from Sears.....stay away from the BM Torx kit.......they seem to strip real easy.

Knives & Things
Mike Payne
I'll second that. I went to Sears for a T9, wound up buying a 12-piece set for like $20 with a whole bunch of small T-n.

Money well spent. It's been great.

Bob- a hair dryer worked great for me to loosen that Loctite. Johan- I had trouble with a MT UDT bent clip and all it took was one e-mail and my replacement clip was in the mail. Don't know what went wrong in your case, but try again, MT has a well-deserved good reputation for customer service.

[This message has been edited by richard rosvall (edited 02-24-2001).]
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by mpayne: yourself a favor and get a Torx from Sears.....stay away from the BM Torx kit.......they seem to strip real easy.


My thoughts exactly! Sears has a great selection and they are well made tool!
