Trade Offered - knives for depth finder


Oct 19, 2005
I'd like to trade someone knives for a Lowrance 5X color depth finder. Any takers?
Yeah, that was my thought exactly. So I ran and fired up Google to see if I could afford one.

A little past my current allowance level however.
Yeah, that was my thought exactly. So I ran and fired up Google to see if I could afford one.

A little past my current allowance level however.

Lol, this was my plan as well. unfortunately I'm in the same boat as you.
Wait a minute... we need depth finders down here in the Keys... what are you using them for? Finding bait?
No, fishing bass at the lake 2 miles from my home. Its completely different fishing here than in Louisianna. Back home you fished swamps. You could smell the bass. There was grasses, lillies, cypress knees, etc. Nothing more than 20 feet deep. Here, everything is deep. The cover is submerged. I drive the boat out onto the lake, and have no idea where to drop what. I'm frustrated, but have remembered how much I loved fishing as a kid, and plan to make it a couple day a week thing.
Bass???? We use fish bigger than that for live bait down here! I let the kids learn on 5-6 pound bass... Sheesh....
Yep. Bass. Never did much deep sea fishing. But my FIL says the same shit you say.
LOL, that always gets a rise! Gotta say that stuff, just like talkin' bout the weather in winter! It's a part of our southern heritage... ;)
On Lanier, there are areas where the striped bass congregate at different times of the year. That intel helps, but it also helps to have a fish finder.
You're looking for the tell-tale "spaghetti" graph, and you need to know how far to lower your bait to (a) get bites and (b) stay out of the submerged timber.
A line counter helps, but with a little practice, you can just strip the line an arm-length at a time and count it off.
Blueback herring is the bait of choice, and if you can get one in front of a hungry striper, it's a lot of fun.


Here's how I've fished Lanier though...

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Hey Andy, what can I get for my vintage Tom Mann Hummingbird Super Sixty ?
It is a classic still with original paperwork! :thumbup:
If you don't have enough knives in stock, we can work out a knives plus cash deal. :D

Hey, if you're coming down here, I'd love to go fishing with you bro. What are those spagetti things? Fish?
Hopefully, you got the depth finder sorted with DevilsKnob. If I hadn't spent so much money buying my first car a couple of weeks ago, I wouldn't have hesitated to jump all over this opportunity myself. Both for the rare chance to place a custom order, but also to help a fellow fisherman :)

Personally, I spend most of my spare time fly fishing. A vast majority of it is land/shore based saltwater fishing in the local fjords here in Norway, so learning to read the water - locations and conditions - is a very important skill. I've never tried your bass fishing, so I don't know anything specific about that, but one thing never seems to fail me. If you locate a nice current seam, there's usually fish there. And plenty of it too! Since I'm shore based, my range is obviously limited to current seams close to shore, but I don't think it's a coincidence that boats with fish finders seems to home in on the best current seams like flies on a pile of dung...
Hey Andy,

Any "bites" yet on this offer? Sorry I couldn't resist. If it's still an open option I may be interested depending on the trade.
Just out of curiosity, can you tell us what models were ordered as trades? Just want to live vicariously! :)