Traditional Archery Shoot - Southern Ontario

Apr 14, 2006
Hey fellow Ontarioans;

If anybody is interested in Traditional Archery, there is a Traditional Shoot on the weekend of February 3 & 4 in Cambridge, Ontario. If you need any further info, shoot (no pun intended :( ) me an email.

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i wish i was closer to ontario...:rolleyes: i would love to go.... i just got my 07 shoot calender going.....:D
Cambridge or Galt? Galt used to run the Frozen Finger trad shoot every Feb. Haven't been in years. Don't know if it's still around but I belonged to a group called The Traditional Company of Archers and our news letters posted all of the local shoots each season (local being as far away as Pennsylvania). There's a few archery clubs up that way so I'm not sure which is which anymore but the Galt shoot was always good (and cold).

There was one in Woodstock every year that had a wild game dinner as well, I've had some tasty meals of squirrel, elk, deer, bear & I don't know what else by attending that shoot a few years in a row.
Cambridge or Galt? Galt used to run the Frozen Finger trad shoot every Feb. Haven't been in years. Don't know if it's still around but I belonged to a group called The Traditional Company of Archers and our news letters posted all of the local shoots each season (local being as far away as Pennsylvania). There's a few archery clubs up that way so I'm not sure which is which anymore but the Galt shoot was always good (and cold).

There was one in Woodstock every year that had a wild game dinner as well, I've had some tasty meals of squirrel, elk, deer, bear & I don't know what else by attending that shoot a few years in a row.

Cambridge is Galt anymore, but you're right. It's at the Galt Sportsman's Club on Gore Rd. I can't remember what they call the archery group, but it sounds right.

Won't be that cold this year, probably. Last year it was fairly mild and it started snowing on Sunday which made it excellent in the bush.

It's not as picturesque as some of the other clubs around but the people were always great. The last time I attended they had a couple of medieval inspired targets set up. That was close to 10 years ago but if you do see a target of a knight in armour with a shield take careful aim! :D

I had a look around & the other club I thought you might be talking about was Pioneer Sportsman Club in Kitchener. Went to a shoot there once, they had put a huge amount of money into their targets, first time I'd ever seen a life size 3D moose target. Most of the guys were compound shooters though.

Oxford Fish & Game was the club in Woodstock with the wild game dinner.

There are some beautiful clubs around Ontario, Forest City Archers in London & The Archers of Caledon in Caledon are two where I really enjoyed their shoots (even if not exclusively trad). I found this site & went through the list, I can remember attending shoots at at least 9 of the clubs, including York County -
Hey Bubba,

I've been to York County before and the people were great there, as well. I also went to one towards London, but I don't think it was Woodstock, although it might have been.

I don't spend as much time with archery as I should. Maybe, when I get my next bow finished (2/3 done), that is, if it doesn't blow up. :)

You might be thinking of East Elgin (maybe :confused: ). Honestly I can't even remember my last shoot, it's been years.

Have you heard of Coudersport Pennsylvania? Biggest trad shoot I've ever been to, by far. Two or three thousand people at a sky resort, tents just feet apart, at the end of July, with lots of bugs & lousy showers. At least they run the ski-lift up the hill & you shoot your way down through the various courses, uphill in July isn't fun. But probably 7 or 8 different courses to shoot, amazing stuff for sale (a tent mall of traditional vendor's booths), amazing displays (watched an old fella shoot aspirins out of the air with a recurve & flu-flues) & as with any trad shoot the people were great. Great blanket sale too. Wonder what it be like now trying to get across the border with half a dozen bows, dozens and dozens of arrows, knives out the ying yang plus the odd axe, hatchet or tomahawk these days? Last time ('98 or '99) the border guard asked if we were carrying any weapons & we pointed in the back & started listing them off you could see his total demeaner change until he hear the magic words "Ren fair". I imagine post 911 is likely very different...