Training Accident with EDI Genesis

It's nice to know that Will Fennell is yet another founder that reads the Forums. Just makes me feel better about the company, even though I don't own a Genesis (can't afford one right now, and it is a liner; regardless of founders and reputation, I just can't buy a liner lock).

Joe as for speculating, of course, that's all I was doing as well. As for trimming the edge bevels that's exactly what I was talking about it. For example a M2 AFCK can outperform an ATS-34 one as if you go really low with the edge bevel (below 15 degrees) the M2 still holds up well but the ATS-34 is now very fragile. If 440V has the properties that Spyderco claims it has then it should easily take a much lower bevel than the Axis and still be just as durable while significantly outcutting it. I would like to see what the actual results of doing this would be.

Steve, have you had any experience with the cut resistant gloves? Would they offer enough protection to prevent a serious injury like a lock failure?

And of course I would like to add a comment about EDI. Class act by Will Fennell, problems always happen no matter what the QC levels are, its how you deal with them that is important.

I'm the same, I don't want any more liner locks. But EDI is coming out with their Rock Lock sometime in the future. Thats the one I'm waiting for.
I had purchased an MOD Hornet to take the place of the CUDA i misplaced. That knife(MOD) failed the lock test on more than one occsion. It also would open up on me when withdrawing it from my pants pocket. I had a MT that was as solid feeling as a one piece knife. My AXIS is the same way. Does not budge one iota. I sent the MOD back and replaced it with the AXIS. Outside of the sharpness issue the AXIS is pretty much like a one piece knife.
All the posts about liner lock failure have pretty much convinced me not to get another. Although I have one, a BM Talon which the factory adjusted and locks solid as a rock. I can thrust it into wood, no problem. Yet.

But there's one knife I can't quite dismiss. The Military. I have yet to read a post about lock failure or lack of performance or anything negative about that knife.

Ron Knight

Yeah I'm crazy, but what do you want me to do about it
A thought about protection while testing blades. I am not into this sort of thing but thought about a reasonable solution. I do clean fish from time to time and there is a product that is a glove which is cut resistant, something like chain-mail. I believe they sell for around $12 at local K-Mart, Wal-Mart stores. Well worth the cost to keep your fingers safe from a sharp blade.

I have drooled over the EDI Genesis for a long time; I have not, however, purchased one. As a left hander, I know that a reversible clip does NOT make a knife ambidextrous. That is why I have purchased 3 BM's in the last 2 months... They directly cater to the lefty.

When I first handled the Genesis, I almost surrendered to it, thinking that I would be able to "work around" the right handed liner lock. It was very hard to stand my ground for a few minutes. The Genesis is truly a piece of art.
After handling it, though, I realized that a compromise could NOT be achieved with it. The liner shifted under my left handed grip.
I can always buy more knives, but I can never buy more fingers.

Could someone please explain to me why companies automatically eliminate 7-10% of their potential market? Fully 7-10% of the population is left handed, yet 100% of (insert knife manufacturer's name here)'s knives are right handed.

I'm not sure that any company who thinks more about tooling costs than issues such as customer satisfaction, market share, and the sheer enjoyment of marketing a quality product, is a company that I will ever deal with.

Oh, well, maybe in a different world... or a parallel universe... there will be a left handed Genesis. I just have to find it.


If I'm not mistaken, a BM 710 Vortex (is that really what it's called?) will become a left handed knife with only changing the clip to the other side. Everything else is completely identical, side to side (except the writing on the blade, and the occasional 'mis-ground' edge
). Not trying to poke fun, just trying to point it out. I LOVE this knife


I have the BM Axis.. Black, comboedge, numbered 1 of 1000. It is the single best folder I've ever handled. I've already ordered another, so I don't hafta use this one.

Now, when EDI comes out with sometin' that's truly ambidextrous, without a liner lock, I'll be all over it, too

SStarling - sorry you were cut. Glad it wasn't serious. Nasty feeling when something your very fond of hurts you.

SpineWack test is good. Do it before you put the piece in your pocket. Keeps manufacturers paying attention and saves some discomfort on one that may "get through".

Axel - Perhaps you could ask Pat to grind a choil in the back part of the blade?

Regarding those Kevlar or ? "safety gloves". I have cut more than one in half just by laying it over the edge and cutting it like a rope. Modern knives like the kind we talk about on this forum will more than likely cut right through most safety gloves. Spyderco knives are often purchased to cut kevlar line with. I would suggest buying an extra pair and try to cut one in half before you trust them.

If I remember correctly, a choil is an unsharpened cut out or indention at the rear of the blade edge. Sort of like on the Jot Singh Khalsa C40. The way I see it, the problem with putting this on the Rolling Lock KFF is that it would increase the likelihood that the sharpened edge would come in contact with the middle finger in the event of a lock failure. By keeping the blunt edge straight, the sharpened edge is kept farther away from the other fingers.

Ok how easy sould a liner lock fail and be bad or at least bad for a liner lock.

I got a EDI Genesis and it folds up pretty easy. I hold it in my left hand like a pencil with the edge up and hit the palm of my other hand and it will fold up with a light tap most of the time. some times it takes a good hit. hard enough that it hurts the palm of my hand. But even when it doesn't fold it almost does you can hold pressure on it and see the lock just holding on. and sometimes you can fold knife with just normal closeing pressure without pushing the lock.

I have cleaned it and that didn't help, I oiled it that made it worst.

I have only had the knife a couple of days, and when the lock area wears any it won't lock up at all

-Greg Johnson

gregj62-send it back. I cannot get my EDI lock to fail even when hitting the back of the blade with a hammer. It is rock solid.

Degrease your lock area completely with alcohol. Degrease tang, and liner face.
Oil/lube is the bane of liner locks.
Make sure your pivot is tight, as a loose (wobbly)blade can contribute to lock slippage.

Flick your blade open heartily 5-6 times.
After this, tap your Blade back on a soft wood board with moderate pressure. Often, after a few taps, a liner lock will "seat" and never seemingly fail under normal use again.

All liner locks have problems, most but not all can be caught in QC. There are many different variables ranging from lock/tang geometry, blade wobble, lock thickness, spring temper, etc etc. I was in a cutlery store today and handled 5 Genesis knives with perfect locks. The owner even let me tap the blade spines. None failed. From what the makers tell me, it's a numbers game with liner locks. For every 100 built, maybe 5%need further tuning that wasn't apparent when shipped.

Will Fennell of EDI would probably want you to call him if your lock continues failing.

Email him at


Anthony P. Lombardo
-will destroy knives for
I did clean it, I didn't have any alcohol but I used soap and water then dryed it with a hair dryer. I haven't hit it on any wood but. I will try that but I don't think that will help.
But thanks for the advice.

-Greg Johnson
