Training In Knife Systems

Jan 16, 2006
Please can the members of the forum help?
Im looking for a system of blade vs blade & blade vs empty hands to train in and would like some addtional info on AMOK.Do the AMOK clan train in drills from the pikiti tersia system or other FMA systems.I read on another forum that AMOK knife drills are simalar to the SAYOK KALI knife drills, is this correct.If this is not the fact's would it be possible for some info to what drills you use .could i also be given info on the AMOKS training methods on empty hands vs blade.Im from europe and where not permitted to carry knives ,so emptyhand vs knife/pocket knife is paramount to much training does AMOK spend training in these methods.

At present im training in a FMA system that is more concerned with dualing with a knife instead of preparing someone for the street.does AMOK favor the street method or a combination of sparring/dualing & street.
If sparring with the blade is done, how do you guy's spar.

Kind regards,
dizzy said:
Please can the members of the forum help?
Im looking for a system of blade vs blade & blade vs empty hands to train in and would like some addtional info on AMOK.Do the AMOK clan train in drills from the pikiti tersia system or other FMA system's read on another forum that AMOK knife drills are simalar to the SAYOK KALI knife drills, is this correct.If this is not the fact's would it be possible for some info to what drills you use .could i also be given info on the AMOKS training methods on empty hands vs blade.Im from europe and where not permitted to carry knives ,so emptyhand vs knife/pocket knife is paramount to much training does AMOK spend training in these methods.

At present im training in a FMA system that is more concerned with dualing with a knife instead of preparing someone for the street.does AMOK favor the street method or a combination of sparring/dualing & street.
If sparring with the blade is done, how do you guy's spar.

Kind regards,
Salaams...AMOK and SAYOC have heavy influences from Pekititersia Kali...Mr. Sayoc and Mr. Sotis were both students of Tuhon Leo Gaje. From my understanding AMOK does do alot of drills similar to Pekititersia as does SAYOC but Mr. Sotis & Mr. SAYOC also have other blade methods they have learned and developed etc. I have never trained with SAYOC or AMOK but I did train Pekititersia for 9+ years with Tuhon Gaje as well as some other folks ...Tim Wade, Erwin Ballarta, Rick Riellra, Omar Hakim etc. and every person I trained with stressed both aspects empty hand vs. knife and knife vs. knife whether that be in a duel scenario or an ambush. To say, prepare for an ambush is a misnomer at best there really is no way to prepare for an ambush hence the word AMBUSH, what solid knife training does is give one the inherent ability to deal with said AMBUSH with a more complete tool box as opposed to not having a tool etc. I am sure that AMOK and SAYOC are both top notch as are a lot of systems...just find a good one and train...Take care.....Salaams
It's always the case that the instructor has a big influence on the curriculum, so you might ask questions like "how much time do you spend on empty hand versus knife" of your local instructor, since it won't help you if my local instructor spends a lot of time on it but yours doesn't. Also, I've found that if you tell the instructor going in that you're especially interested in something, sometimes they'll make sure they hit the subject on days you're in the class. Generally, the smaller and informal the class, the more the instructor will accomodate requests, in my experience.

Greetings Everyone
Perhaps i can help.
"Do the AMOK clan train in drills from the pikiti tersia system or other FMA systems."
No in AMOK! we dont utilize flow drills or any drills for that matter. AMOK! is engineered to generate effectively prioritized, quick to function assaulting and countering tactics against aggressive, unpredictable, non-compliant enemies.

"Im from europe and where not permitted to carry knives ,so emptyhand vs knife/pocket knife is paramount to much training does AMOK spend training in these methods."
AMOK! may be based on the blade but not bound by it. From your first lesson you learn a combination of k vs k , EH vs K, EH vs EH ect....

"does AMOK favor the street method or a combination of sparring/dualing & street."
In AMOK! we spar, duel, street method, scenario fighting, live blade(optional) ect...........
That's just some of the things we work on for a better understanding of AMOK! and its practices you should visit
Rafael Mojica

Hey Rafael! I'm glad you come around this forum! I've been meaning to get in touch with you for a few months but due to my work, I got a very unstable schedule. I've been in FL for 3yrs. I know how hard it is to find serious knife practitioners among the sea of McDojos that plage the Orlando area. Anyway, let me know if you'd like to get toghether and train. Oh! James Green Dragon, I haven't forgotten about you, buddy. I'm doing my best to find space to train with y'all. Honestly, is refreshing to know that at least, some people still take their training as seriously as we used to do in Puerto Rico "back in the day".

Yours in the Spirit of the Warrior-Scholar,

C. Roman, Head Instructor, American Kenpo
Hey Raf ! Be great to see you make it over to Thailand on one of Tom trips someday. Hope things are going well for you. About AMOK! You know what they say "If you haven't seen AMOK! lately you haven't seen AMOK!"

What you and I where calling blade work ten years ago in AMOK! looks nothing like the work we are doing now. It's been washed through so many good people from so many systems in so many countries now. Kills me when people say we are same as this or that system. It's like saying all blade systems are the same because they use the sharp edge and the point of a hand held object.

I Want you to meet Nok so bad. She is total AMOK! No other MA training in her back ground and started training at the ripe old age of thirty five. In two years of work her blade, empty hands, stick, and improvised weapons, work stands up to anyone that walks in her school. I start every new students first clas with them sparing nok before anyone else so she faces them cold without getting to see how they move or what they know. I figure this is the best training and confedence builder I can give her. "Oh your six feet tall, 250 pounds been and you've been training half your life. Lets go. This is AMOK!" Miss you brother. Randy
Who could give me advice on a good school in San Diego? I've been practicing boxing and muai thai, some grappling & mma. Very interested for a practical but solid & thoroughly approached instruction on knife mostly (against knife or another weapon), sticks also are of my great interest but I don't want thoroughness to be compromised because due to the variety, that's why the knife is my priority.
Best regards, Viktor.
Hey Randy
Is nice to hear from you. I hear nothing but good things about what you doing in Thailand and also hear good things about Nok skills. Every year i say im making the next trip and so far the timing is off but i will be in the near future.

AMOK! has come a long way since i started and it keeps evolving. Definitely anyone that havent seeing AMOK! lately dont know AMOK!.

I'm looking forward to meeting Nok and crossing blades with you. Miss you Brother.
vitya said:
Who could give me advice on a good school in San Diego? I've been practicing boxing and muai thai, some grappling & mma. Very interested for a practical but solid & thoroughly approached instruction on knife mostly (against knife or another weapon), sticks also are of my great interest but I don't want thoroughness to be compromised because due to the variety, that's why the knife is my priority.
Best regards, Viktor.

Hi Viktor,I am Tom from LA check out it might interest you.
When it comes to "defanging the snake" or disabling any opponent that uses a sharp edged weapon. Learn a few techniques. Practice them thousands of times. It takes apx 8 thousand reps to make a technique work efficiently. You may get lucky and not get cut up much.... but for a technique to become "second nature" practice, practice, practice, and when you think you have it down, Practice more......
