
Oct 23, 2000
I wonder how many sword-owners train regular in sword-fighting and in wich styles? I train Kenjutsu and Kali (InosantoLaCostat & Pekiti Tirsia) at the moment, but I'm still looking for some medival european stuff. I'm also very impressed by fencing (if they just had the right mindset ... :( )
I train and duel with Rapier and Main Gauche.
Blunted edges and tips, but no "bated" tips.

I use a Hanwei Pappenheimer rapier and a Del Tin "Swordbreaker" main gauche.

This is fencing with the "proper" mindset, approaching it as a true Martial Art rather than as a sport.
(With absolutely no slight intended to those who practice Sport Fencing.)

We have formal scheduled training and duels every saturday and as many informal get togethers within the group as possible during the week.

Anybody else?
I know a little of fencing but it's the sporting type.

Too many rules to remeber in combat. Don't like it.

Rather give my brother an epee sword, use it like a saber, and beat the crap outta each other!
I'd learn faster to parry them then using those rubber tips.

I also own a cheap katana, wazikaba, and tanto for practice. Got any good web sites for me to learn from?

Kinda getting tired of it getting stuck in the ceiling now and then. :eek:
