
Oct 7, 1998
I was just curious as to which of the many training schools you would endorse for increasing one's knowledge about the use of the pistol?
If I remember correctly, at the end of your Alternative Force video, you alluded to a possible training facility around the Las Vegas area? I could be wrong, but if not has this been developed any further?
As for knife training, is there someone who particularly stands out in this field? Again, unless my memory fails me, I think you worked with Coach Blauer on his curiculum for LEO's. His concepts about knife training can be very different from other people, but very good I feel. What do you think about them? Where did you get your hand to hand traing?
Thank you,
OK Peter,
This is the last one for you for a couple of days.
1. Small Arms Recommendation:
Unfortunately I have not been exposed to every shooting school in the world but I am very familiar, one way or another with most in the US. You can learn from them all. But I have a hard time recommending them because they all seem to have a strict doctrine and that disturbs me.
If you go to the new Gunsite or ThunderRanch you have to shoot Weaver, if you go to MidSouth you have to shoot isosceles, and so on.
I believe that there are benefits to all of these styles and students should be exposed to them and allowed to learn their respective strengths and weaknesses.
I also have a real problem with their tactics training. They expose you to what the big name instructor wants you to learn without really explaining why. They also generally do not educate students on the relevant fundamentals that exist, and this is a sin.
But this is where you must remember that these are businesses and they give you what they can I guess.
Thank you for the reply. Having never been to one of these pistol schools I didn't know that they were so stuck in their ways. That is too bad.
FWIW, when I studied with Mas Ayoob at LFI, he never forced anyone to adopt a specific posture, even though he prefers Isosceles. In fact, he made sure to demonstrate Weaver and Chapman, pointing out its strong points. That was 10 years ago, but I'm sure it hasn't changed.
Mas is a very open-minded teacher, IMHO.

Please question your instructors experience. If the subject relates to Life and Death circumstances, it is important to know they have been there, not just once, but enough to know it was more than luck that they are still here.
Also, always question what you are being taught, and guage the response. Make sure they are someone who truly knows the subject.
You would be surprised.