Trends for 2003

May 8, 2001
Do you see your collecting taking a new direction this year? Or maybe following the same direction as last/previous years? Will you be focusing on a particular style/model/brand or just aquiring as much steel as possible? :D
Me? I am a slipjoint collecter and will stay on that path. Stockman knives are my main focus and I don't see that changing. Would like to add some Trappers and and maybe a Congress or two. Would like to add a small knife to my EDC: maybe a Baby Butterbean or a Peanut.
Outside of slipjoints I would like to get a Balisong
Lately I have started getting re-introduced to an old flame. It looks like I will be starting to get myself some bowies this year. I wonder what kind of reaction I will get if I walk down the street with an eight to eleven inch bowie on my belt? You want to bet that I get some really dirty looks?
I'm considering getting the extremes, a couple of small Spydies and a Becker. Then I'll leave the leftover cash for the Forum Spyderhawk.
I will be more conservative with my purchases this year and will probably even unload some stuff. My focus will be to get more practical knives which are legal and will be used more in my day to day. Anything that severely limits me from using it as an EDC or an emergency / camp knife won't be seriously considered. This year will probably be more a focus back on folders and, more than likely, mostly fixed blades. Time to rotate through my inventory and accrue more practicals and less collectables. Especially with my focus on edged weapons for defensive tactics training. This hobby is by no means been easy on my pocketbook over the years. :rolleyes:
a couple more HI khukuris, maybe a Kobra and an Ang Khola. I would like to own a Spyderco or two. The Delica and Endura both have clips that are lefty friendly. A Leatherman Orange Juice looks like it could handle most things I use a multi-tool for while still being trim enough to find its way into my pocket. And I'd like to have a nice slip-joint, a stag handled Bulldog. That should do it for a while.

With all the Tacticals out there I think I'm gonna be more discerning/selective in what I buy, and I'm gonna try to pick up at least one custom traditional slipjoint.
Im into 2" blades lately and will probably look into some more Spydies, and maybe an SOG Sculptura. Other than a few of these I will be unloading all my folding knives(except my trusty SAK) which aren't either lockbacks or Axis/Arclock equipped.
I picked up a Spyderco Peter Herbst PE a couple of weekends ago. It is my first knife that is priced over $100.00. Although I still love my Enduras, Delicas and other sub-$100.00 knives I have no doubt caught the fever for the more expensive knives. I am looking at the Vesuvius and Ti Salsa (I know they're slightly under $100.00) as well as some other high-end knives. However, I will still collect the 2" knives such as the Co-Pilot and the like due to their appropriateness as office/dress knives.
I'm staying on the course I set at the last quarter of 2002; tactical folders with the main emphasis on Mike Obenauf, JW Smith, and Kit Carson. I do have a few on order from some other makers, notably Charles Marlowe (an up and comer), Jim Hammond, and Andrew Mclurkin. I have been into large single bladed folders ever since I can remember, it was always this style that "flipped my burger". With all the tactical folders out there to choose from I figure 2003 will be a great year!:D :cool: :)
Because of major changes in my life I will soon be selling most of my collection off.