I'm well aware that this thread is similar to one currently active on this forum. Still, it is slightly off-task, so not as to detract from or deflect that one, I'll just up the spam ante and start another one.
My family has two cars, and I make it a point to keep a bag of necessities in the trunk of each. I am strongly considering adding an economical fixed blade to these caches. I am, however, at a bit of a loss as to what to add.
I read the thread from a month ago outlining 'standards' for survival knives. I have also read the current thread on the same topic. Ideally I would add multiple knives and tools for every conceivable event...but I am omniscient as I am rich. So I am limited to one knife of reasonable cost and good all-round utility.
1. circa $50, or less. Preferably less. If I can get a good bump in quality by spending a few bucks more, I'll do it...but I'm not into buying a Chris Reeve to just toss in my trunk.
2. I live in the city and have other toys for 'urban survival,' but obviously when you get down to brass tacks, survival could mean self defense (or offense). Note, though, this is going in the trunk, so this issue is pretty moot ("Excuse me Mr. Carjacker while I get my KA-BAR out of the boot...I'll be right with you...").
3. I often drive several hours into the countryside in order to get 'home' and visit the folks, so I'm not completely urban. Plus I like to camp, so its not inconceivable that I could leave a camp knife at home and be digging this puppy out of the trunk to perform at need. This, actually, is probably its most likely practical role: All-round backup.
4. I do not hunt, so dressing game is not an issue...unless I get caught up in some really wacky survivalist scenario involving Y2K and the trunk of my Chevy.

5. Assume that I have a reasonable assembly of tools already in the trunk. No need to get a Rambo knife with a built-in tool kit.
Early front runners include the Cold Steel SRK and the USMC KA-BAR...other ideas welcome, as well as critiques of my specifications. Fire away, and thanks in advance!
PS yes, this is just an excuse to go out and buy two fixed blade knives, I admit it...but as far as excuses go, its a pretty decent one.

Hey! Uncle Sam!
(_!_) Nyah nyah nyah!
Refund! You lose!