"Trunk" survival knife

Feb 24, 1999

I'm well aware that this thread is similar to one currently active on this forum. Still, it is slightly off-task, so not as to detract from or deflect that one, I'll just up the spam ante and start another one.

My family has two cars, and I make it a point to keep a bag of necessities in the trunk of each. I am strongly considering adding an economical fixed blade to these caches. I am, however, at a bit of a loss as to what to add.

I read the thread from a month ago outlining 'standards' for survival knives. I have also read the current thread on the same topic. Ideally I would add multiple knives and tools for every conceivable event...but I am omniscient as I am rich. So I am limited to one knife of reasonable cost and good all-round utility.


1. circa $50, or less. Preferably less. If I can get a good bump in quality by spending a few bucks more, I'll do it...but I'm not into buying a Chris Reeve to just toss in my trunk.

2. I live in the city and have other toys for 'urban survival,' but obviously when you get down to brass tacks, survival could mean self defense (or offense). Note, though, this is going in the trunk, so this issue is pretty moot ("Excuse me Mr. Carjacker while I get my KA-BAR out of the boot...I'll be right with you...").

3. I often drive several hours into the countryside in order to get 'home' and visit the folks, so I'm not completely urban. Plus I like to camp, so its not inconceivable that I could leave a camp knife at home and be digging this puppy out of the trunk to perform at need. This, actually, is probably its most likely practical role: All-round backup.

4. I do not hunt, so dressing game is not an issue...unless I get caught up in some really wacky survivalist scenario involving Y2K and the trunk of my Chevy.

5. Assume that I have a reasonable assembly of tools already in the trunk. No need to get a Rambo knife with a built-in tool kit.

Early front runners include the Cold Steel SRK and the USMC KA-BAR...other ideas welcome, as well as critiques of my specifications. Fire away, and thanks in advance!


PS yes, this is just an excuse to go out and buy two fixed blade knives, I admit it...but as far as excuses go, its a pretty decent one.

Hey! Uncle Sam!

(_!_) Nyah nyah nyah!

Refund! You lose! :)

Coronach, I would suggest you get a couple of CS Bushmen and a couple of Ontario G.I. machetes with the G.I. sheath and a Senrty cloth to wipe them down with before they go in the trunk. You ought to be able to do the whole deal for about $80.
I like your choice of the SRK but for what they cost you can buy three bushmen. You might also consider throwing in a couple of knife steels.


who dares, wins

[This message has been edited by phantom4 (edited 20 April 1999).]
I suggest the Buck Vanguard. Inexpensive, but good blade geometry and decent steel. Nice fixed blade. Walt
Absolutely the Bushman. I love this knife. It's what I have in my trunk for exactly the kind of knife you describe, but I'll be taking it camping in May when school ends. If I buy access at home this summer (it's free here and I'm cheap) I'll post a review based on camping chores, but I expect it to perform. It performs, it's strong, pretty soft but it can be sharpened on a curb or a rock--in short I love it. Also, there are no nooks and crannies in the one-piece design--oil it and forget it.
I think the CS Bushman is a great choice. And if someone breaks into your vehicle, they don't get away with much.

Of course, a KABAR is a nice choice as well. Of course, a 12" Ontario Machete and Walt's Buck Vanguard would have all the bases covered. Maybe through in a Multi-tool and you are set!

Clay Fleischer

Picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue...

I'll go along with the CS Bushman & suggest that you add the CS shovel as well. You should be able to pick both up & have $10 or so left over for gas.

Hmm. The Fallkniven F1 is a favorite of mine, but it costs more than $50. In the price range you're looking at, I'm sort of charmed by the Kabar Next Generation Warthog. Now THAT sucker can spread the peanut butter AND flip the pancakes! Before you throw it into the trunk of your Chevy, you might see if you can get Yekim to dremel off the upper portion of the crossguard for you. I'm sure he'd do it for the cost of a bag of M&M's.

David Rock

Never carry a knife shorter than your schnoz.
The Ka-Bar was one of the knives that was used in the SEAL testing. If I remember correctly, it did okay and the SEALS were impressed that the knife held up as long as it did.
Or you could get 2 Bushman, 2 original Leathermans, and put the Leathermans in the handle of the Bushman. That should be under $100.00, and both cars will be stocked. Just some ideas.

After reading the opinions thus far:

Bushman: I had kinda tossed off the Bushman as being 'junk,' though I admit that I did that on the basis of the ridiculously low price alone. I realise that at $13 (knifecenter price) you can hardly go wrong, but...if it fails in a pinch it is worthless. Better to have spent the $50 on the SRK than have wasted a lot less on the bushman. How durable/reliable is this knife? I freely admit I like the price.

The Vanguard....hmmmm....nice idea, Walt. Plus, it has the benefit of utility without looking like some combat knife (like the SRK). Always a good thing if someone looks in your trunk.

The KA-BAR: Gotta love the classic. Plus, it is pretty cheap. I figure this is a decent fall-back ("well, the X is junk and the Y costs too much...might as well get what my grandpa carried on his European Walking Tour.")

Fallkniven: Oh yeah. I like it. Did I mention, though, that my car is a Chevy, not a Benz?
Hmmm...do you know any place where a F1 can be had for anything CLOSE to $50? Fallkniven fits my definition of 'willing to pay a bit more for quality.'

KA-BAR warthog: what a seriously odd looking knife.
Is it useful, or just unique?

Tools: the toolkits of both cars cover that need easily, and much more completely than a leatherman could. Yeah yeah, I recognise the fact that I might need something carryable...when I replace the Gerber multitool I currently carry, I'll rotate that into a trunk.
then I'll replace the replacement (I'm sure) and all will be well.

Shovel: again, I agree about portability, but one car currently sports a heavy duty non-folding flat-bladed spade, and I already have plans to add a folder to the other one.

Okay...any more thoughts? Thanks for the help!


Hey! Uncle Sam!

(_!_) Nyah nyah nyah!

Refund! You lose! :)

If a Bushman ever fails, you are doing something with it that no knife should ever be subjected to. I've been using one on the farm and the trapline and it is probably one of the best deals on the market!!!!!
Happy Trails.
With regards to your warthog question, I used one on a short canoe trip three weeks ago and it was a real useful design. Great belly ( like me) and short enough not to get in the way. The edge held up well and seemed as sharp afterwards as at the beginning.
Grip was great even during our morning drizzle/snowfalkl/ sleet we had. The June ( I think) issue of Knives Illustrated had an article on the warthog and they really liked it too. This will become my new must take camp knife.
Coronach, the Bushman is definitely not junk. It will take a bashin' and keep on slashin'! One of the reasons it is cheap is there is not much to it---a single piece of steel with a twist in it to form the handle. There is also not much to the sheath but it does the job. I wouldn't want to use it for extensive belt carry but as far as protecting the blade and your fingers it is more than adequate. They come with a utility edge but with a little work they'll pop hair. For the price it would be worth to order one, give it a workout and make up your mind. Let us know what you decide.


who dares, wins

Go with the K-Bar. Two Million served cannot be all wrong. SRK is great kinve, sheath sucks period. Any iteration of sheath sucks on any CS I have picked up and I own two SRK, recon Tanto and Trailmaster. Recon Tanto is neat looking blade, good for cutting and sticking, but is really not a parcitcal design. Bonus w/ Cold Steel is that you can get the 2nds from CS factory for like $30.00

K-Bar is an excellent choice all the way around and it is cheap. Also, it is so friggin common that it will never raise eyebrows the way a fixed blade can do...all patrolmen the world over have been inside that Ace Hardware with the KaBar Knives display and seen the K-Bar Marine Corps camp knife. If you break it, you had other problems anyway that no knife could overcome.