Trying to Qualify

Aug 27, 2004
Well, I am trying to qualify as an "NT-Monkey-Smokin'-Frog-Lickin'-Limp'n-Rabbit......something or other.:)

I did these two this weekend as an experiment (mainly to help me learn something about hammer control). I have only been trying this forgin' stuff for a couple or three months, and I have discovered that I was only able to "forge thick", and "grind thin".

These two helped me on my learning curve.

I showed them to a fellow-employee today at my real job, and..................He ordered six of them similar to the top one.:eek:

Anyway......... These were made from 1084, propane, and Natural Light. Had lots of fun, and they are as sharp as they wanna be. (Missing fingerprints on my pointing finger are a true testimony):lol Finish on the handles are "Yellow Mustard" (need to do a couple more coats)

Old and simple-minded news to most of you, but I am "Stoked"

Thanks for lookin'................Robert

Forging steel is a very addictive work. The thrill does not appear to deminish over time. Not for me , anyway. 7 years or so. I like what you have made here. Keep on pounding and enjoy as you learn. Fred
Good fer U :D
No Speaka de Englas
Pretty cool actually...Really a kind of artisan flair to the blades
I like em!