TSA baby-steps it towards more rational policy concerning knives on planes

Anyone noticed how the media is misleading everyone about the size of knives the TSA is considering? The media people hold up 91 mm SAKs (Swiss army knifes) as examples of "weapons" the TSA would allow. In reality the TSA is only allowing 58mm size SAKs or knives of similar size. Another example of the rampant paranoid in the media about any type of weapons. Also I'd like to know how many people were ever attacked by someone on a plane with a knife PRIOR to 2011. Very darn few, if any, I'd bet. When I came back from Europe in the late 1970's, I had about a dozen folders and a couple of fixed blades in my carry-on plus the one I normally carried in my pocket. No one even blinked.

Anyone noticed how the media is misleading everyone about the size of knives the TSA is considering? The media people hold up 91 mm SAKs (Swiss army knifes) as examples of "weapons" the TSA would allow. In reality the TSA is only allowing 58mm size SAKs or knives of similar size. Another example of the rampant paranoid in the media about any type of weapons.
Who's doing this?

Also I'd like to know how many people were ever attacked by someone on a plane with a knife PRIOR to 2011.
So would I. I googled a few different version of this question, but couldn't find anything. You'd think there would be at least a few statistics out there.
Who's doing this?

Just about every US TV reporter and many congress type folks that are protesting the TSA change.

I have. About every TV report I've watched was waving around a standard Swiss Army but I don't keep a log book of these sitings, do you?
I have. About every TV report I've watched was waving around a standard Swiss Army but I don't keep a log book of these sitings, do you?
No, because I haven't seen any. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for at least one example.

This makes total sense. Let's allow golf clubs and bats but not a water bottle.
Why is everyone saying this? Am I the only one who understands why these are banned?
To individually check each and every liquid or gel to make sure it isn't an explosive is impossible, and terrorists have already shown that they're capable of producing liquid explosives. Banning liquids and gels beyond a certain volume is really the only option the TSA has.
OK, one example, senator/congressman from New Jersey (don't know his name, it isn't my state) on CNN waving standard size Swiss Army and asking why that knife was legal while much smaller box cutters were banned?
TSA did reverse course in the wake of many complaints by the public (many whom probably also want the absolute banning of any guns and the complete abridgment of the Second Amendment), the various unions, and others...but, this decision was made in the wake of the Boston bombing. The initial press release indicated that the suspension of the proposed change was only temporary while all parties were given the chance to air their comments and complaints. That process, as of this date, was still in effect and no definitive statements have yet been released. There is no clear indication as to how this will proceed in any of the usual available sources, so keep planning and designing those killer little friction folders and slip-joints (I will, too) and watch for the press release from TSA directly. They had actually posted an effective date for when the new policy would go into effect. The statement about the suspension was also posted on their website, but I was most surprised to see no reference made in these forums to that information. If it fails to go on through, we will have to admit defeat to the unions, or at least admit that we stood around grousing about it, but not chiming in ourselves.
I called it. Once knives were banned from airplanes they could never, ever, under any circumstances ever be allowed back on airplanes again. Once something is banned it has to stay banned for eternity because the sheep have become conditioned to accept that and only that. If you try and change that they become afraid and freak out. And that's just what the controlists want. They can't have people being unafraid of inanimate objects, that would suggest they can exercise personal responsibility and be capable for themselves. That's simply unacceptable in today's world.
This goes to show how the general pubic is so afraid of their own shadow. They remind me of little kids clutching their mothers leg (government) looking up at them for what to think. These same people dont think twice about choping up ribs with a 12in kitchen knife. To dense to realize that the law abiding person is the one you dont have to worry about. Criminals dont care , hence te name criminals.