
It's all I use anymore. Makes my customs and productions both just glide open!
Its the only thing I use on my knives and firearms.
I highly recommend it, it's the only lubricant that I use on my Spydies. :D
Tuf-Glide penetrates the metal and the carrier evaporates, so no dirt/pocket lint will stick to it. That's the main advantage in my opinion, that and the corrosion protection.
I love the stuff for knives and guns, dries so it doesnt collect dust a little goes a long way! seems to last through use also, I use it on my bali songs which give it a good work out and it does great. I highly reccomend it. The tuff clothes are great for quik wipe downs also. 1st time I ever used the stuff was in a Glock armorers school, they gave us free samples of Miltec that Miltec gave them, then gave us the Tuff glide and said they recommed it over the Miltec but to make our choice, after using both I prefer the tufglide, it is much simpler and quicker to use properly and does at the least just as well a job.