hello. i'm new to gossman knives.
i've had several from different makers here on BF and i gotta say that scott's knives are my favorites. i've pretty much widdled down my fixed collection to just these two w/ the exception of a couple of knives that i simply can't part with. on to the pics:
this is my new tusker companion. this was a custom order that scott was awesome enough to make to my specs. i almost wasn't able to get it.
glad i did.
ambitiously attempting to get through this log for our fire. the knife performed wonderfully. bites real deep as you can see from the pic.
after some fuzz sticks (which i forgot to take pics of) and batoning for fire prep, it was on to dinner duty. this knife is a GREAT slicer. it's 5/32 thick, but the geometry is awesome.
all in all, this knife is very comfortable for my smallish/medium hands - the first knife i've actually owned that fits me like a glove. it will see so much more love on this summer's camping trips for sure.
i also picked up a micro tusker in a spear point config some months back. this was actually my first gossman. i got it to use primarily for my backpacking trips because of its size and to take with me fishing. here she is on one of my trips:
lunch duty:
and of course, trout fishing. i have a dedicated b&t, but for some reason, i really like taking the gossman. i think its robust size and thickness gives me a better sense of security when cleaning out fish. i'm pretty rough on my knives, so the thinner more delicate blades usually get pretty beat up.
just added a pic of a forced siracha patina i put on the utility/camp knife.