Sorry, but I just don't agree, there was nothing irresponsible about calling peoples attention to a fact, that could be a major security problem, in a security concious world, wile fighting a war on terrorism. The result is likely to be public pressure on security forces to find a solution, to a problem they might have otherwise ignored, a problem that if ignored, could cost innocent lives in the future. It's not irresponsible, it's an attempt at doing what journalism is in a unique position to do, calling attention to a problem, pro-actively. A solution could take many forms, from banning these objects, to new security and detection techniques, to new detection devices. Let's face it, the purpose of these "plastic" knives was, and is, to defeat security. They are useless for much of anything else, except as letter openers. I love, and enjoy having weapons of all kinds, including the plastic ones discussed above, yes I have delta darts, and plastic knives, I don't want to see them banned, but I don't want to see a plane hi-jacked, or anyone assasinated with one either. I do want to see our security industry pressured into creating a practical solution, to detecting non-metalic weapons.