TV's Fox 5 - irresponsible journalism

Originally posted by peacefuljeffrey
Yeah. And if they kids couldn't succeed in buying boxcutters at a hardware store but wanted to commit a crime with some sort of knife nonetheless, they COULDN'T just go to their parents' KITCHEN KNIFE DRAWER to get any of a set of a half dozen steaknives, or maybe a butcher knife, paring knife, carving knife...

Someone ought to tell the news-idiots to do an expose on how, "Your kitchen could be turning your kid into a terrorist!"

Sorry, but I just don't agree, there was nothing irresponsible about calling peoples attention to a fact, that could be a major security problem, in a security concious world, wile fighting a war on terrorism. The result is likely to be public pressure on security forces to find a solution, to a problem they might have otherwise ignored, a problem that if ignored, could cost innocent lives in the future. It's not irresponsible, it's an attempt at doing what journalism is in a unique position to do, calling attention to a problem, pro-actively. A solution could take many forms, from banning these objects, to new security and detection techniques, to new detection devices. Let's face it, the purpose of these "plastic" knives was, and is, to defeat security. They are useless for much of anything else, except as letter openers. I love, and enjoy having weapons of all kinds, including the plastic ones discussed above, yes I have delta darts, and plastic knives, I don't want to see them banned, but I don't want to see a plane hi-jacked, or anyone assasinated with one either. I do want to see our security industry pressured into creating a practical solution, to detecting non-metalic weapons.
Originally posted by JDBraddy
A solution could take many forms, from banning these objects, to new security and detection techniques, to new detection devices. Let's face it, the purpose of these "plastic" knives was, and is, to defeat security.
I've got a solution for you, since you're so worried about some one terrorist or assassin having a knife when you can't --

let's repeal the laws restricting citizen carry of sharp and shiny objects. Let me carry a pocketknife, and let everyone else, on the plane and the train and the courthouse and the post office and the supermarket and the street, carry their own security.

Remember the gun-grabbers. All they want is just this little "commonsense" restriction, and little "dangerous weapon" ban and soon you can't have a picture of a gun without someone calling in the psychiatrists.

Yes, I want to defeat security. Like the man said, don't go to a club with a metal detector. You may feel safe inside, but when you come out late at night, the thugs across the street know you're not armed.
I'm still not sure what part of the newscast was "irresponsible". Maybe it was lost in the subtleties of the delivery? One of those 'ya had to be there' sorts of things?
What amazes me is that the airlines aren't up in arms over this sort of thing. I've pretty much quit flying - not because I'm afraid of terrorists, but because I don't want to deal with the hassles at the airports. I missed the SHOT show this year for the first time in many years. Why? I just didn't want to deal with flying. The last thing they need to do is to put even more security in airports and airplanes. They'll simply put the airline industry out of business. Yet the airlines are curiously silent about these security issues. It baffles me.
Fred, I agree. It baffles me that the airlines don't push to arm pilots and agree to passengers arming themselves, since they have to know that this will end hijacking -- which is probably a dead letter now anyway. It was a one-shot deal, now that we realize future hijacking won't be temporary hostage situations, as in the past.

The security they really need is a chemical sniffer and x-ray screening of checked baggage. We may need to upgrade equipment, but current technology could go a long way towards ending threats of bombs on board. But hijacking? I doubt a few jerks with knives would live to land in our current state of mind.

I have to travel with syringes for my insulin. If I didn't have to check my meds, I could fly with hand baggage for a lot of small trips. I will never take them now.
Great now I won't have to sharpen that plexi-glass shank, I can order it up & leave an internet trail right to my cell. :rolleyes: Nothing like sensationalism.
Originally posted by R. Lemmen
I have already seen some airlines remove metal cutlery from their dinner service. Now, say hello to finger foods.:rolleyes:

OHHH! Hell no! Don't tell me next time I fly to Japan I have to eat nothing but sandwiches! :mad:
Switchblade = hoodlum
Battle Blade = psyco ex-vietnam vet
Spraypaint = graffiti "artist" or hoodlum
boxcutter = gangbanger or terrorist
plastic knife = terrorist.

This labelling stinks. And I'd hate to see the carry of a plastic knife suddenly become a felony for mere possession. (except in air travel, the courts and town halls) ... and maybe Disneyland. ( ;) )
Originally posted by Esav Benyamin
I've got a solution for you, since you're so worried about some one terrorist or assassin having a knife when you can't --

let's repeal the laws restricting citizen carry of sharp and shiny objects. Let me carry a pocketknife, and let everyone else, on the plane and the train and the courthouse and the post office and the supermarket and the street, carry their own security.

Good grief, I hope you arn't fool enough to think the beaurocrats would let us enjoy actual freedom here in the Uninted States? Nothing and no one for them to control? People responsible for themselves? That would make too much sense! Sorry, you've wandered off into fantacy land now!
Originally posted by JDBraddy
... the beaurocrats would let us enjoy actual freedom here ...
Well, if we wait for someone to allow it, we'll never have any fun :)
Honestly, if you people expect ANYTHING other that unadulterated, tripe-flavored mind candy from television news ..... no, make that TELEVISION, then you're nuts. Like John Prine said, blow up yer TV!
Not that I take any particular pride in this, but I spend enough time in front of my computer that I don't need more screen time ... I watch the occasional movie on my VCR but I don't watch TV. In fact, I can't. Not having hooked up to cable, I get no reception here at all.

When I did used to watch, I liked C-SPAN for discussions, some sports, and a lot of the science and nature shows, repetitive though they were. I even bought books by the researchers whose specials appealed to me :) Books! What a concept!

I tell ya, if these wimps want us to protect them, they are going to have to stop demonizing our equipment. If they continue to make personal weaponry illegal, I will not wave mine around in their defense, only in my own. :grumpy:

Gee-TEN !! Gee-TEN !!
Zy-TEL !! Zy-TEL !!
CAR-bon FI-ber KNIVES !!

Some of you folks may laugh at this, but one of the greatest dangers inflight is sometimes a drunk passinger. When I worked for Britt Airways we had a flight coming in from Chicago(ORD). The aircraft was a Metro with about 18 or 20 passingers aboard.The plane is seated for 18 to 21 and is a long cigar shaped turbopropped craft. Anyhow, a drunk got up and was wanting to use the restroom. Metro's don't have one and the passingers or seperated form the captain and the rightseater by only a curtain. The rightseater("co-pilot") opened the curtain and told the guy no restroom aboard and to return to his seat, which the passinger did. A few minutes later the rightseater looked back and saw the drunk at the plane entry door with his hands on the T-handle doorlatch. The rightseater tackled the passinger just as the passinger turned the handle and unlocked the first phase of the two- phase lock. KA-CHUNK went the latch,unlocking the first phase. If he turned the latch to the next KACHUNK they would have all died. The door would have opened and the door would have ripped off and taken the plane's tail off. The A$$HOLES at ORD as well as all us us were under strict orders to never board a drunk, but the pricks at ORD didn't worry about anyone else.
This stuff has probably already been said but:

"Flight Secuirty" is just another Corrupt Corporate America myth. The only possible way to prevent even a risk of an airplane being used in the commison of a terroist attack is to ground all planes forever. But obivously in todays world thats not an option and anyone who would want todo that would be considered stupid or isane laughed at and if he tried todo it more then twice he'd end up in the nut house.

So lets look at it this way, Gun Control the leftist marxist reality. Gun control may work to keep a gun from getting on a plane, but are there routine searches on the streets of New York City? NO! Are there routine searchs at JFK airport? YES! Do I want to surrender my freedom of privacy just so I can feel safe? NO!
I say knives legal on flights; Pepper foam and stun guns yes. The only thing would be guns and most guns do have a magnetic signature. If adleast one of ever 10 passengers was packing some a stun gun on his or her own will do you think there'd be ANY hijackers?

Haven't you noticed all these news companies are sounding like Gun control freaks despite the fact there owned and ran by the wealthy elite? Do you think if 70% america completey supported gun control do you think Uncle Sam or George Bush would hesitate to take your guns away? Haven't you also noticed there has never been one day in history were there hasn't been no gloominess or death in the news?

It all boils down to this;
Privacy and freedom at a small cost?
No privacy and No freedom at a un-accountable cost?