Two blades every truck needs (pic)

Oct 31, 1999
Finally wrapping up the last of my hurricane clean up here in south Georgia. Of all the nice blades that I've got (all user's 'cept one from Brazil) these two humble blades really got a work out. Keep both of'em in my truck and it struck me just how useful they are. Also in the useful category (but not shown 'cause it's not in the humble class) is my Fitch 10" bowie in D2. It performed some hurricane duty, too.


On the left is the Woodman's Pal ( ) along side the common bow saw.

Sometimes we overlook just how incredibly useful the common ones are.
Off to Blade Discussion Forum.
Those two blades do look like they got a workout! I hope you and yours came through the hurricanes in at least as good condition. :)
. . . just big limbs, no trees for us although others in our community did.

The citizens south of us in FL are still hurtin'. They've really had it rough.
Yep, those are good tools. I'd add a GB Small Forest Axe to your truck kit and then it's complete!

i keep the gb small forest ax in the pickup, too. i won't go out of the city limits without it (and a shovel)!

I agree with the's important too.

Shovel, SFA, bucksaw and woodsman's pal or 12" machete are good go keep in the truck!

The woodsman pal looks very interesting, I read the informatin in the link right now. I understand it is made for durability but 1075 with 47RC sounds over- soft, does the edge impact easily and do you have to sharpen frequently?
What is the purpose of the nick in the spine infront of the sickel hook?
I like the design of the longer #145 Woodman pal, thank you for the link.
clearer pic from the link above:


I have seen this before, but for some reason now has really caught my attention. Off to the drawing board....
Could not agree more.

My '73 cargo van (rafting, kayaking and camping vehicle) is also equipped with a "van adjustment tool" also known as a sledge hammer:D.