Two new Bowies

Jan 27, 2000
I'm having a heck of a time getting good shots. I don't have an indoor setup with nice lighting, and the weather has been rainy and horrible around here for the last few days.

But, what the heck. Here's two new ones that were just finished. One is more-or-less a loose interpretation of a traditional older style Bowie, and the other has a more modern look.

Old Style

The Blade forged from 1084 and is differentially heat-treated. The blade is 8" with a sharpened curved clip. The oval guard and ferrule are fileworked Damascus of 1084 and 203E. The handle is African Blackwood.

I noticed in the shot above that there appears to be a line at the ricasso/guard joint that looks like I didn't get a real close fit. It's actually a reflection of some sort, because the fit is good. Let's zoom in a bit.


The shot above is closeup of the ricasso / guard / ferrule area.



Again, the blade is forged from 1084 and differentially heat-treated. The blade is 8" with a sharpend straight clip. The guard is Nickel Silver, and the handle is stabilized Curly Maple from Ken McFall of K&G.
Wow Terry they both look great! It's been a while since I've seen you post a big knife, and as a big knife fan these two really put a smile on my face.

My favorite of the two is the "old style" because:
1) I really like the blade profile;
2) I think the damascus fittings with the carbon steel blade is a nice touch, and
3) African blackwood is one of my absolute favorite handle materials.

I like the newer style also, but that one says "fighter" to me at first glance rather than bowie - although the line between the two is often blurry.

Great work as always.

Somehow, I knew RogerP would beat me to this thread! ;) Roger, that top one kinda looks like the Massey you own, stylewise.

Seriously sweet stuff; you just knew I would love these, didn't you?

Lemme guess, these are ordered knives, aren't they?
Terry - those rock! I particularly like the old style bowie. I love the shape and the lines of that blade. The damascus fittings are a really nice touch too.

Now tell me, am I just seeing things or are those pearl inlays over the pins in the handle? :eek:

Many thanks guys. :)

Man, you are one sharp dude! You know your knives and your smiths. Yes, the blade shape (especially the clip) in fact does have strong Roger Massey influence -- one heck of a bladesmith and a heck of a nice guy, who has definitely had an influence on me.

Yes, I hoped you would like them, and yes, those are both orders on their way out the door.


I agree, there is a blurry line with Bowies and fighters. I'm still unsure where the line is drawn.

I'd sure like to see the Massey Bowie in your collection that Danbo mentioned. I like to honor those I admire by showing the influence they've had on me, but I don't want to be outright copying them. I hope this one's not "too" close.


Brother, I wish I could tell you that those are pearl inlays, but alas, no. What you are seeing is a reflection of an oak tree in the Corby bolts that have been hand-rubbed to an 8 Micron finish. :D
Hey Terry,

Here's the Massey that I think Danbo was referring to, though I'm quite positive he was not suggesting that your work was a copy or even "too close". Probably the pronounced clip relative to the overall length of the blade is what called it to mind.


52100 and ironwood (Murray White pic)



PS - If you think the line between bowie and fighter is blurry, how about the term "bowie" itself - it seems applicable to a vast and varied range of knives that can be quite dissimilar in terms of blade shape, blade size and overall design.
Thanks Roger.

Yeah, I knew Danbo wasn't suggesting a copy. He's my buddy. We know each other pretty well, and talk frequently. I was just amazed that he immediately recognized the influence. He was absolutely correct.

When I showed a little concern about it maybe being too close to something Roger did, that was just me thinking out loud.
Really nice work Terry.., thanks for sharing the pictures...

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"
Re."I was just amazed that he immediately recognized the influence. He was absolutely correct."

Like you said - Danbo knows his knives and his bladesmiths very, very well.

And thanks for taking the time to share pictures of your work with us before they head off to happy hands of their new owners.


Both those knives are so nice, but the first one is easily my favorite. I much prefer the pronounced traditional clip, and the damascus hilt really adds a touch of class. That African blackwood does make an excellent handle material.

By the way, that Massey is fantastic.
Both those knives are fantastic, and definately show a "Primos" look to them. If I had to pick one though, I like the old style best... but only by a smidgeon.
Yep, Danbo sure knows his stuff... I hope to be able to pick his brain for years to come. It is directly because of him that I got the chance to own one of your knives, and have one on order. I look forward to the day that you can post my knife before it goes out the door!
I would also like to get the chance to meet RogerP... how about this for a knife collector's dream; Danbo's and Roger's collections sitting out side by side!:eek: Think of the quality there people.
Keep them coming Terry! We all appreciate the pics you put up.
The old style Bowie does it for me Terry. Someday I guess I'll have to add a "primo" knife to my collection too. BTW, those images you have done are outstanding. Nothing wrong with daylight but as you say, it can be a tad unpredictable. Personally I love daylight and that is why I'm trying to teach the use of the daylight flourescent bulbs as they then remove the unpredictability.
I love all of those knives. I especially love the long clip on the old style bowies. But, having said that, I love the blade shape even more on the new fighter. Maybe it's my imagination, but that sucker looks to be ground super thin and sharp!
Yes, both these knives are fantastic, but I prefer the modern bowie/fighter. I could list a couple of reasons, but the biggest reason is...It's MINE :D :D :D

Terry, I appreciate you posting this picture, you saved me an e-mail request. Now, I just gotta wait till she makes it "home" :cool:

This is my second PRIMOS, but will not be my last. For anyone thinking about placing an order with Terry...What are you waiting for???
I have to disagree with Cutiger, the old style is my personal favorite. Come to Papa! :D

Thanks for posting this beauty Terry. Once again it was nothing but a pleasure working with you.
The "Modern/Fighter" style Bowie made it home today. The knife is very fast, and the fit/finish are excellent. I could not be more satisfied with the results :D :D :D