Tyson vs Paul

Don't know where you are getting that from. Multiple sources list the rules as: sanctioned bout, 8 2-minute rounds, 14oz gloves.

I wish it wasn't happening, but in an honest effort from both I could see Paul winning. People buy into these little training clips of Tyson, and he can still flurry on pads, but some, like a roughly 25m sprint look terrible, embarrassing.
It was on YouTube.🤷‍♂️
You know, the depository of all man’s knowledge.
Accurate to a fault.
More truthful than Judge Judy.

I fall on the side of money grab, for both.
Mike’s not getting any younger, and life’s expensive. The Forman grill has already been done…
I’m just beginning to understand this influencer thing. Huge $ if you play it right. Jake is.
Does anyone know the best way to watch the fight? I assume some streaming service?
I watched the Foreman vs Stewart ('92) fight yesterday & this is very close to what we will see with Tyson vs Paul. Tyson needs to take him out within 3-4 rounds, or he's done. IDC how bad ass you were in your prime. You lose stamina with age. George was just putting along at maybe 50% strength after round 4. He was dead tired & that young man messed his face up BAD. I actually think Stewart won in points, but it is whatever. Gotta leave it to the judges. Tyson is FIFTY SEVEN & George was 43 in this fight. Granted they are two very different fighters. George being a slugger & Mike being a boxer. I think it will be interesting the first few rounds, nonetheless.
The only reason anything will happen in this fight is because the people paying for it want it to go that way.

this one will be just as fixed as every other fight with a betting line has been.
Grew up in the 60s and seen all the greats ~ I liked Tyson when he was up and coming it was certainly something to watch ~ Had it all and somehow it all went over a Cliff ~
They're not fighting any time soon. Tyson had a medical incident and won't be cleared to fight.