UBDOTD -- a chiruwa style UBE. No pix but bargain time.

Mar 5, 1999
Take a look at the UBE and imagine it with a chirwa style handle with buff horn slabs. If you need a review of the UBE we will ask forumite Finnean for one. He has several.

I didn't order these. Bura, I suspect, took it on himself as he often does with many models to improve the design of the UBE.

I have a couple and they are extremely well done and, of course, go with the HI guarantee.

We will deliver these Bura upgraded UBEs to your door for $135. That's a lot of khukuri for the buck. They have very good kardas and chakmas, scabbard made and tooled by sarki with no name, 100 year HI superfrog.

If you need a pix let me know and I'll try to get one up.

Call or email if interested.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
Himalayan Imports Website
Khukuri FAQ
Himalayan Imports Archives (33,000 + posts)
hey uncle, if the kamis haven't made my special(13.5 chiruwa sirupati) yet, i would sure want one of these, please get back to me.

btw... uncle, you gots mail

[This message has been edited by charels (edited 02-16-2001).]
Uncle Bill;

How about some specs....ie length, thickness, weight and I am sure a picture will trigger my HIKV through the top of my head.
Yes, I think I am interested and might just be able to find a loose $135 someplace....please put on a picture.

Damn, and I havn't even got my first HI AK yet and now I am already thinking about buying a UBE sight unseen.

SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!! I think I am going nuts!

Would love to see a review on a UBE.

Uncle....how many did you get?

Bremerton, Washington

[This message has been edited by muzzleup (edited 02-16-2001).]
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">... Damn, and I havn't even got my first HI AK yet and now I am already thinking about buying a UBE sight unseen ...</font>
Muzzleup --- Sometimes I just wondering about who actually caused the sort of excitement such as you have now! Is it the Khukuris itself ... or is it the spirit fused by the Kamis from all their generation to those Khukuris ... or Pakcik Bill personality and his integrity ... or is it the friendly brotherhood atmosphere among all of us the forumites?

UBE is in my mind but I have to save RM 1st ... BTW, RM or Ringgit is our Malaysian currency --- USD $1 is about RM 3.825!

Uncle Bill, I'd like to see some pictures & specs, but I think one of those may be my first Khukuri!
I think it's all of the above items you mentioned that's got my attention so strongly.
Kind of like a very strong magnet keeps drawing me to this site!!!

What a SICKNESS!!!

Bremerton, Washington
These khukuris are definately a good deal. The full-tang handle doesn't hurt the already good balance a bit. I haven't had time to do a run-through on various chores but based on experience, the overall feel tells me that it's a solid working piece. It feels a pound or so lighter due to the handle and balance and is lively in the hand. It's practical to have the curvature of a khukuri with the added edge on the belly and the point forward.

"To know and to act are one."
Uncle Bill,
Looking forward to casting my sick (HIKV)eyes upon the UBE beauty!!!

Spoke to your wife today...she sounds like a really nice person.

Thanks again, and I AM going to stop buying until I at least get my first HI to fondle and oh, ah, at!!!

Bremerton, Washington

[This message has been edited by muzzleup (edited 02-16-2001).]
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Spoke to your wife today...she sounds like a really nice person.</font>
When I read that, at first I thought you were saying "Spoke with my wife today...she sounds like a really nice person." I immediately started thinking this guy spends way too much time on the internet and playing with khukuris.
Which made me reread and see the error in my interetation. Did I mention I didn't sleep worth crap last night.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!! I think I am going nuts!</font>

Relax -- you've come to the right place. We'll be glad to help you go nuts. Don't worry ... you're in experienced hands....

One of the favorite ways to begin is to start a thread "What's the Best Khukuri for (insert special purpose here)" If you don't achieve your goal the first try repeat as many times as necessary with different special purposes.

Even better is "Which Khukuri Should I Get First?" If you don't achieve your goal the first try, then post "Which Khukuri Should I Get Next?" as many times as necessary until full insanity is achieved -- however, more than one thread is unlikely to be needed.

The quickest and surest way to achieve your goal, though, is to start a thread "What's the Best One All-Around Khukuri If You Could Only Have One?" Then read all the replies carefully ... it never fails!

-Cougar :{)
Use of Weapons

[This message has been edited by Cougar Allen (edited 02-18-2001).]
Cougar has seen it all.

And like the rest of us has great experiences of going nuts.
We could save those thread URL's in our mail boxes, but then we wouldn't have near as much fun helping new khukuri khnuts go khrazy khnuts.



Indin word for lousy hunter.