UBDOTD -- two hasiyas.

Mar 5, 1999
I have two hasiyas, the small variety, looking for homes. Both made by Sanu and beautifully done with great inlay of copper and brass on the blades. Horn handles with brass bolster and pommel. Very similar to the one in the pix. $60 each delivered to your door.

Call or email if interested.


  • hasiya #2 -1.jpg
    hasiya #2 -1.jpg
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Polish it up, put a razor edge on it, and add a brush and a cake of soap, a toothbrush and toothpaste, comb and hairbrush, nail clippers and diamond nailfile, and a mirror, and tell the horsepital it's my shaving kit. ( I'll put the "Lorena Bobbitt TM" label on the inside of the shaving kit. )

Besides, nobody would look for a second razor hidden in the same shaving kit, right? ( Like Maverick said in the opening episode of the New Maverick, he'd never known a lawman to look for a second derringer ( sp. generic ) up the same sleeve. )
I'm sure NOT going there if I'm conscious at the time.

And if I should wake up in there, there will be so much ruckus... that you guys on the east coast will probably catch it on the national news.
A lot of these hasiyas you see in the village will have a sawtooth edge on them. I guess Sanu figured that might be too crude for us.
Pakcik Bill.

Pls email our Khukuri brothers who bought those Hasias and pls remind them not to bring those curvy knives to Kalimantan, Indonesia. The Dayak tribe of Kalimantan will give their warmest welcome with their Mandau. It is against their traditional custom to sport any curvy knives such as those Hasias in public. It means a fighting challange for them! That's one of the reasons that caused mass killing of Madurese in Kalimantan back few months ago.
The first is shaving sharp.

The second will be shortly. ( I'm working on it. )
Mohd! I was wondering how to get in touch to see how you are three minutes ago! Are things alright with you? We've missed you!!!