UBDOTD -- two YCS. Save $70.

Mar 5, 1999
In the last shipment I got in a couple of YCS and they are 99% perfect. The problem is like the last one I put up as a UBDOTD. Inlay on handles has been done by apprentices due to shop overload and the work is not perfect. Blades are done my master kamis and are excellent but the detail work shows signs of being done by less experiences people. It is okay but not perfect.

We will deliver these very slightly flawed YCSs to your door for $175 for a saving of $70 over perfect versions.

Call or email if interested.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
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A double UBDOTD - now that ought to make for a feeding frenzy. Hey guys, if you can't make your mind up, go with one of these. That brings the YCS down to the affordable range!
Dayum!!!! Double Dayum!!!!
The YCS must be pretty popular, those lasted around 30 minutes give or take a few!!!

That's a daymed shame to Bro as the 1st one is absolutely perfect in every way.
I imagine it's not just the apprentices, but the apprentices being in a hurry. Patience and care can make up for a lot of skill and knowledge when doing something unfamiliar.

About how many YCS's have you sold now Bro?
I'm sure glad and proud they're going over well, but I would sure like to hear some field reports to see if my feelings are prejudiced on the YCS's performance, perhaps when it warms up a little more people will be out using them.

I should have thrown mine in the truck today before Barb and me went for our walk. I carried my favorite 17" Steel Mounted Village model that stays in the truck and it got pretty heavy by the time we got back to the parking lot.
Didn't chop anything, but Barb dug a hole with it to replant a cactus someone had dug up on the preserve and then forgot to take it home.



Indin word for lousy hunter.