UBDOTD -- YCS Special for $175

Mar 5, 1999
Take a look at the pix of the YCS Special. The one I have looks almost the same. The blade is made by Sanu and is excellently done and so are the blades on the kardas BUT this was made when they were under the gun at BirGorkha and apprentices did the inlay work on the handle and some other detail work and it shows. It is not bad, but certainly not perfect. Additionally, the awl is blunt tipped and whoever gets this rig will have to spend three minutes at the grinder to get the tip sharp. Reason is the wood model of the awl got the tip broken off and they are making per model! I've asked them to quit this since the model is no longer original.

The knife is sound and strong and goes with full HI guarantee so if you don't mind a little sloppy detail work you can save $70 off regular.

Call or email if interested.

One only.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
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Uncle, You have mail

This is a great knife!! My thanks to Uncle Bill, Sanu, and especially YVSA!!! This one kicks Gluttius Maximus!

Yes there were a few less than perfect inlays, but it is still so different than anything else in the collection.

Needless to say I really like this one!

Many thanks again.
Thanks Matt!! Glad you're pleased with it.
Are you gonna use it and if you are how about a report?
I am still anxious to find out if others think it chops like a heavier khukuri like I do.
I think it does that because of its light weight and increased speed.



Indin word for lousy hunter.
Well so far I love this one. I really like the detail on the handle where the tang terminates. The balance is a lot different than other kukhris. I will definatly be using this one. Maybe someday I will get a perfect one, to keep as a non user, but I think that would be a shame. I will post something as soon as I get a chance to play with it.
Matt another thing I have noticed on my 2 YCS models is that the edge is hardened the full length. If it's not the same all the way I sure can't tell it.
Looking forward to your report.



Indin word for lousy hunter.
Matt wrote:
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Maybe someday I will get a perfect one, to keep as a non user, but I think that would be a shame.</font>

Matt I agree whole heartedly!!!!
And I know I've said it before, but "There's a definite feeling one gets from using a particularly beautiful khukuri for everyday tasks."
Or somethng to that effect anyway.

If the handle was bone or somethng else like ivory perhaps it would be different, but to me the YCS just begs to be used.
And also like I said the other day, "I have figured out that I no longer abuse my stuff as I once did."
And since use doesn't hurt something that's been made for such use it doesn't fall into the description of abuse IMO.
I doubt that I would ever use the Kothimoda with its bone handle, but if it was my only khukuri ( Yea, Right!!!!) I sure would.
There is one guy that carries a beautiful old village AK with a bone handle and it has been a lot of places all over the world and has held up very well, there wasn't any cracks in the handle when I saw it nor would I ever expect there to be. The old khukuri is very well cared for, and well used, but not abused, generally!!

And even though the YCS will never be the work horse the AK's or the GRS is it is a nice lighter weight khukuri to carry that will do most jobs required of it with ease or a bit more work.
And to me the 2 karda's and punch are what rounds out the whole rig real nicely.
They are all user friendly tool's in their own right. I have thought about making a single sheath or perhaps a double one to carry the kardas alone when I can't carry the whole rig.
But then I "think" about a lt of things, still haven't finished the new sheath for my Marble's Woodcraft.



Indin word for lousy hunter.