I like all knives , with only a few exceptions.
The Rat-7 in 1095 has been getting the nod lately, of light chopping and harvesting modest sized wood for making bows&drills. I am going to re-profile the Rat-7's edge, needs just a little bit more acute of an angle for the finer wittling type of work.
RescueMike, you got that right, I fell in love with my HeavyHeart the moment I first picked it up! Bought it used, as a "user" , but still haven't attacked nature with it, soon, it will be soon.
And, of course, i gotta put some use to the one aaronjayl sent me, or, I must keep my promise and move it along. Who is voting for using, and who is voting for moving it to one of you guys??
You gotta wait, I'm going to sheath it, and am working on the edge.
Form a Line.
The BK1 was to be the "Big Chopper" , I'm still mulling it over.
As much as I love my Ontario Machete, the BK1 is probably going to be my "tractor blade" , for chopping vines, and anything else that gets in my way while on the tractor.
On one hand, the BK1 will do fine for the chopping chores, and has a few features I like, but on the other hand, it may be taking a back seat to the "Lizard King" of choppers in my possession. The FBM with Tan Magnum grips. What a knife! I cannot even begin to describe it. Another one that will be getting introduced to Mother Nature soon enough.
(Coldwood, this is why I couldn't even charge a $10 Mora on my Card last month.)
I really was dying to get a HellRazor, but, now that I have it, I still find myself reaching for the Rat-7. part of it is probably for "preservation" purposes, but, the Rat-7 simply gives a good quality, bang for the buck.
I don't expect people to rush out and grab Busse's for thier wilderness work.
If you do, more power to you, they can certainly give you what you want and more, but, if you don't, there are still many knives out there, for a lot less $$$ that will take care of business in the woods.