Ultra Light "Kelly Style" Kettle. Interesting.

I wonder if they will be selling a stainless model?

The nearest thing to that... Is this!

Just slip a JetBoil neoprene sleeve over the bottle.



What kind of answer is that!??? :confused:

However you got it— it's pretty cool!

Its the concise answer that I gave in the time it took me to;

a. Realize that I didn't have the link to hand of the original thread.

b. Go find the original link.

c. Come back on here to post the original link.

Whilst it really didn't take that much time (less than 35 minutes!) it would have been quicker if I hadn't had repeated Firefox problems in between a. and c.

Here's the link to the original post, though you'll have to be a member to read it.
So the boiler can be handled with bare hands with the sleeve providing protection? Hold on, I'll watch the vid......

Sure looks like it.

Impressive idea.
The neoprene sleeve acts as insulation to help the water reach boiling point quickly, and further insulates bare hands from harm when handling the boiler for pouring.
The neoprene sleeve acts as insulation to help the water reach boiling point quickly, and further insulates bare hands from harm when handling the boiler for pouring.
That does look great but working on two of those steam pan tray stoves next week so putting new projects on the back burner. Pun intended.:D
That does look great but working on two of those steam pan tray stoves next week so putting new projects on the back burner. Pun intended.:D

I look forward to seeing your version, will you put your excellent stack robber* on?

* The term "State Of The Art" could have been coined for your stack robber, and just the mention of it makes me green with envy!
In a thread from a couple months ago, the owner of Kelly Kettle stopped in to say that they would be introducing an "ultralight" version this year. No idea what their definition of "ultralight" is, though.
Well #094 landed in Holland.
It works nicely! And dang this thing is light! :eek:

PS: I also read that Devin is working on a version 2.0!

A video on my first boil: [video]http://youtu.be/Zjt2gWdhi-g[/video] (sorry for the bad English now and then)

I took mine out for a couple of hikes this last Friday and Saturday. My Friday hike was solo (well, the pooch joined me) but my Saturday hike was with my son who was more in the mood of catching frogs, anoles, snakes and swinging around like a monkey...regardless, less playing with the toys and more keeping up with the boy:D

One cool feature is the newer Swedish alcohol stove is a prefect fit. It's easy to add into the burner bowl for packing and fast to get a boil on. I see this is a good alternative before you get enough tinder, twigs or chips to get a fire going. With the little alcohol burner going, it takes about 6.5 to 8 minutes (depending on variable conditions) and with a full stove, it will boil the two-cup Backcountry Boiler four times...not too bad!

This alternative addition allows you to quickly put the boiler into action when arriving to camp or taking a short hiking break.







I saw something similar in the series "In the Bush with Malcolm Douglas." There is a company in Australia called Hillbilly Camping Gear. They make a 750ml version and a 1.5 L version as well as a 1L "bush kettle". These are stainless steel. One of these days I'm going to order one and also one of their camp ovens, which Mr. Douglas made to look fantastic.