
Oct 12, 1998
How small is the Umfaan? By this I mean do you think that it is big enough for comfortable cutting? Did you ever find it too small to comfortably open and close? I know I can look up the exact dimensions of this knife, but I am curious about your personal experiences.
Even though it had ambi stud I had a little trouble opening mine left handed. Other than that it was a great carry knife for the office, misc tasks, etc. I sold it to G2 and am going to get a small left hand Sebenza.


Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with

Yep, I do have it, and thanks again Mark.

I find it not as fast to open as say my new William Henry Lancet, the thumbstud on that is very agressive knurling, the Umfaan is very pointy, not as big as on the Sebenza line, to close I find it works ok. I'm wearing it this week and just used it to open a cardboard box and was happy at it's usefull size, was handy, not too small as I had feared. I wish it had a lowered point like the Lancet, I think the tip is too high on the Umfaan to use everyday, but it does cut!

I guess the thing I'm nervous about is the design that the 2000 version will have, and I'll be tempted to get that one as well!

As one fellow put it to me, this isn't a knife for `White knuckle type work' where you really press the blade into what you are cutting, it's a small daily work type knife and there it excells.

Bottom line, I'm glad that I finally got mine and don't regret buying it.


My mind is made up,
So don't confuse me with the facts!

Gillett PA