Unbelieveable chain of events.

Gossman Knives

Edged Toolmaker
Apr 9, 2004
As the saying goes, bad things come in threes. First, going back to July, my wifes car was diagnosed with transmission problems so we needed to replace hers. It's still running but will have to be replaced soon. Then, the recall with my Isuzu and now it's been totalled. Since mine was done, we decided to replace my vehicle then work on replacing my wife's car. To make matters worse, my son was in an accident this past Sat. afternoon and totalled his car. He is ok with minor injuries from the airbag deploying. So as it stands, I should have my Jeep this week, then we can work on getting my wife a car. My son has the funds to replace his but needs to find the time to do so. We are juggling transportation right now. My time in the shop has been minimal, but hope to get back at it this week and next.

I also want to talk about how I got fucked by Isuzu Motor Company. They send me this recall notice Dec. 2010. I had one year to take it in for inspection. I put it on the back burner and forgot. Then I recieve a second notice. Figuring this might be important, I take it in for the inspection. I had to take it back for a possible repair which was suppose to take 3 to 10 hours. The dealership had my vehicle for 5 days before informing me that it was deemed unsafe and unrepairable. In the meantime, I have no transportation. I was told Isuzu would be contacting me with and offer to buy the truck. It took them 6 days to contact me. I was told of all the other issues wrong with the vehicle and it was in poor condition. They offered me $1050.00 to buy the truck. I was in shock. I tried getting more by showing reciepts of $1700.00 worth of work I had done over the last 11 months. Still their original offer stood. They would not give me anymore $$ saying their offer was fair market value.
My question is how can a major corporation take a working man's vehicle that he relies on to get back and forth to work to provide for his family and lowball him with a ridiclous amount of money. This was not my fault but theirs for building an inferior product then saying it was unsafe to drive. They jerked the rug from under me and left me without transportation. I had to rent a vehicle. They did not provide any alternate transportation while I searched for another vehicle. This is the way it is in the country. Take care of corporate America and fuck the working man. Very sad.
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I hear you, brother. They could have definitely handled it better, and they should have provided you with a rental car while you were waiting. I would write a letter (a real letter, signed with ink) and send it in a #10 envelope to their customer service department. Keep the letter down to 2 pages, 12 point font and tell them that you are upset at the way you were treated, you had hardship while waiting for 5 days without transportation, and the dealership did not provide you with a rental despite the fact that they are the ones who asked you to bring the vehicle in.

As for what they'll pay for the car, I have to side with them on that issue, I am sorry to say. The car is worth what it's worth on paper, no matter how much you put into it for repairs. That's the way it works with older vehicles. I once had an '83 Thunderbird that I bought for $1,400. Over the course of two years, I must have put $2,000 into in for repairs. But that didn't make my '83 Thunderbird worth $2,000 more... at the end of the day, it was still an old car with a low blue book value.
Scott I am hoping things get better.But car company s make a living fucking the working man. My employer is still trying to fuck me and I got hurt at work but oh it is pre existing.Bullshit never had a problem till I fell. 20 years of dealing with the shit of society and now I have been off work for 5 months due to spinal surgery.I am just waiting for them to fire me.

I'm so sorry to hear about all the vehicle problems. Thankfully your son is alright from his accident. I truly hope everthing is taken care of sooner than later and you can get back to hunting, family, and your shop.

I'm very sorry brother. Glad your son is not hurt bad! Typically when things like this happen, there is a class action lawsuit. I hope things get better for you real soon.

I just did a quick google search. There is a lot of Isuzu stuff. I'm not sure what your cars issue was., but you may want to search for a lawsuit.

Hope you and your family get through all that !
Im waiting for the 3rd thing to come ... What ever
That may be ? The first two are 1) father in law
In hospital status unknown ! 2) uncle also in
Hospital just got taken off life support (cancer)
3) unknown ?... & to top it all off my wife is due
Any day now with baby #2?...

Hey Scott,
I hope your son is OK and i also hope you the Best with all the vehicle issues.
Hang tough brother....
