Unconventional axe use

Hickory n steel

Gold Member
Feb 11, 2016
It was time to get rid of both the old couches, and they needed to be broken down so they could be hauld and tossed into a dumpster I've got permission to use.

I don't really have a sledge and it's a just cheap wood so out came the 3.5 Sager chemicalaxe I recently refurbished.
I removed about 10 screws, removed the springs, cut the fabric / cushions off, then went to swinging with the poll of my axe.

The bit was extremely efficient at chopping the boards in half afterwards as well.
Sure when this thing was forged I'll bet they never imagined it would be used for anything more than processing wood ( in a way I was processing wood ) , but I used what I had and it worked like a charm.
Years ago, when we first moved into our house I had a "here's Johnny" moment with an axe. Seems one of the old locks on the door to the master bedroom broke when we closed the door to go to bed. When I woke up in the morning, we were locked in. I could not get the door unlatched no matter what I tried. We have very steep peaked roofs and climbing out of a window and jumping off the roof was out. It would have been a long drop to the ground in any case. But I did have an axe in the closet (I really don't know how it got there to be honest, but we had moved in only a few days before). I hated to do it, but I took the door out like Jack Nicholson in The Shining.
Axes aren't just for logs! They are useful for the rapid disassembly of all kinds of stuff.
Years ago, when we first moved into our house I had a "here's Johnny" moment with an axe. Seems one of the old locks on the door to the master bedroom broke when we closed the door to go to bed. When I woke up in the morning, we were locked in. I could not get the door unlatched no matter what I tried. We have very steep peaked roofs and climbing out of a window and jumping off the roof was out. It would have been a long drop to the ground in any case. But I did have an axe in the closet (I really don't know how it got there to be honest, but we had moved in only a few days before). I hated to do it, but I took the door out like Jack Nicholson in The Shining.
Axes aren't just for logs! They are useful for the rapid disassembly of all kinds of stuff.

I hate to say it, but that sounds like fun.
Who hasn't dreamed of cutting through a door with an axe ?

I'd say one of the biggest unconventional uses of axes back in the day was by revenuers busting up stills.
I used a beat up axe to chop up old drip line. WAY faster than using scissors. Just tie it in a bundle and chop chop.
Hahaha, I did the exact same thing about a month ago! A friend of mine foisted a horribly uncomfortable couch on me and we had to take doors off to get it in the house. Fast forward two years and the only ones using the couch were the dogs, but there's no way we were going to go through the hassle of moving it out to a dumpster. Out come the pocket knife and an axe. It took 5 weeks of trash collection but we shawshanked the entire couch in single trash can loads via the garbage man.

Great story, Passin' Through!

One year I heated my home with pallets and a boys axe. An axe is surprisingly efficient at busting up pallets.

Lastly, few people know that the preferred tool used by fire fighters to open up a roof is flathead fire axe! Not the classic pick axe we think of as a typical fire axe. And they use the poll not the bit! The poll smashes through the plywood underlayment without getting stuck as the bit would.

When I was quite young, a scrapper came to haul away a junk car, that my father had. The car was pulled over onto it's side to expose its frame. That was cut with a torch. Then an axe was used to finish cutting the rest of the car in two. Why he chose to cut the car in two before hauling it off, I don't know.

There's more too this that I dot remember
When I was quite young, a scrapper came to haul away a junk car, that my father had. The car was pulled over onto it's side to expose its frame. That was cut with a torch. Then an axe was used to finish cutting the rest of the car in two. Why he chose to cut the car in two before hauling it off, I don't know.


That's strange for sure.