unusual gunting question...

May 12, 2001
what does the swirling logo on the side of the guntings blade mean(signify, stand for??) my wife and a bud i showed my gunting to asked when i showed them the knife, and i had to say i really dont know - doesnt look like brams initials, or MBC, so what does it mean, or is it just a logo?? havent seen it on any other spydies... thanks for the info

As you can see, I use a version of it for my avatar.

It is a conceptual flow drill in Arnis translated into brush strokes. Bram has made art pieces like this that depict Arnis moves as canvas strokes and he paints them in a Celtic style. The one on the blade is part of his logo for his group "Common Sense Self Defense." He has also said that his daughter has a tattoo of it on her shoulderblade. So there you have it: it doesn't spell anything. It is, however, a very cool piece of art by Bram Frank.
thanks TOTC that answers my "Q" - have a good 1 and thanks for the info bud........
