Up late, can't sleep, might as well post...

Oct 19, 2002
Hey everyone. Yeah, I know it's 4am (EST) and I should be in bed, but I just can't sleep. My girlfriend is headed back to college tomorrow and I won't get to see her for another 2.5 months, so I am kind of bummed. :(

Anyway, had a couple thoughts running through my head, and thought I would post a few (under different thread names as to ease the pain and make me tired). Ok, I know everyone here most likely has a 'hawk or 5, but what do you use for a target? Do you use general log ends, square boards nailed together, or what? Anyone have targets human or animal shaped? An even better question is, does anyone have pics of their targets? I'm trying to get an interesting target design together for my spring/summer project, and would like a few ideas. Thanks in advance.

I can't sleep either, don't take this to serious, but how about a picture of your girlfriend. I just make hawks, haven't thrown one yet. I'd go for a tree first....:D .....Ray

It won't let me post pics from my hard drive(only ones with a web address)... or if it will, I have yet to figure out how to do it. Saw a tutorial on here once, but it said something about only being able to post if you were more than a basic member, so I don't know what to think as I have seen many basic members post pics.

For a target, I use a really dense foam archery target (rated for crossbows) with a replaceable center. I attach it to a 4x8' sheet of plywood backing. I'd like to have a slice off some large diameter tree, but that hasn't happened yet.