Update on orders

Daniel Koster

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 18, 2001
I am moving all my orders over to a new database system using FileMaker Pro 12.

This is a monumental task and is taking longer than expected. Hopefully it will make things easier for you as well as for me.

I do have all orders submitted and am in the process of aligning the information.

More importantly I *am* still in the shop making a TON of knives...getting done as much as possible.

I appreciate your patience and understanding!

Daniel Koster
Koster Knives
I apologize that I cannot personally email every person on my order list and say "I'm delayed".

However, with this new database system...I *will* be able to do that.

I'm also setting it up with automated time-trackers. Meaning, if you place an order on 11/01/13 it timestamps that order with a start date. Then when it is completed (say 03/01/13) the system will automatically calculate the time difference (in this case 5 months) and that data will be averaged along with all other knife orders so that a realistic expectation can be publicly posted/hosted on my website.

It will go something like this:

Average order taking ____ weeks as of __/__/__ (date)

It won't be a guarantee of completion date, but will give a reasonable idea of what the current backlog is.

And if you see the number getting longer, it should be obvious that things have slowed down. Same thing in reverse....if it gets short, things are speeding up in the shop.
I am also in the process of setting up a 3D CNC router to rough-out handles for me (not too unlike having blanks cut for me). I have so little time to put toward this, though...that it has taken a back-burner to other things.
Lastly, I am also building a new shop. I started it in the early summer but got delayed and haven't been able to pick it back up again.

Yes, I have too much on my plate and am trying my best to get as many knives into customers' hands as possible.

Again, thank you for your patience and understanding.