Update your contact info for the new year...OK?

Jan 30, 2002
You folks who have changed email addys, would you post a current one in your profile info, please?

Three of the off-shore account contributions I've made in some names from here have been returned for bad email addresses. You'll never get my money this way.

Thank you.

(edit: Oh, and change the batteries in your CO2 detectors and smoke alarms too.)The beeping is making me crazy.
Kismet said:
Three of the off-shore account contributions I've made in some names from here have been returned for bad email addresses.

Ahem ... My e-mail address is correct and the money still hasn't shown up. What's the problem!?!
Well, Howard, due to the corruption of some of the officials, I need a small contribution--to be reimbursed immediately, of course--in order to facilitate the release of funds for some people's monies.

In a little-noted coup in Wisconsin, an insurgent group of cheesemakers has taken over the State treasury and is impeding the bureaucracy.

Email me for your specific circumstances. We can solve this.
Kismet said:
Well, Howard, due to the corruption of some of the officials, I need a small contribution--to be reimbursed immediately, of course--in order to facilitate the release of funds for some people's monies.

In a little-noted coup in Wisconsin, an insurgent group of cheesemakers has taken over the State treasury and is impeding the bureaucracy.

Email me for your specific circumstances. We can solve this.


Due to the recent untimely demise of my great uncle Nbugu, former prime minister of Nigeria, I am in possession of a large sum of funds, a portion of which I intended to use for the contribution to defray your expenses. I would like to transfer the total of the $5,000,000 to your bank account for safekeeping, from which you are welcome to take a contribution of $10,000 for your efforts on my behalf.

Please e-mail me your account information, passwords, ssn, mother's maiden name, etc., so I can effect the transfer. There may be some incidental charges you have to front but you are authorized to withdraw them, plus interest, from the $5,000,000 deposit.