URGENT Fathers Day Knife?

Feb 9, 1999
Today is Fathers Day, your wife tells you "I know you want another damn knife " So lets drive over to Gatlinburg Tenn. to the ACORN, open 7 days a week..BIIIGGG knife store..They have EVERY factory and atleast one example of hundreds of custom knifes in stock...I get two hundred bucks...What should I get..Help me...I could add a little $$ myself now couldn't I...would that be impolite of me???
Fixed or folder..help guys I got a few hours b4 we go!!!
Sheesh! You lucky dog!

Where to start... I dunno! With that kind of $$$ you might as well go for something hand-made, even if you have to toss a bit in the pot. All I can say is my favorite folders that I have handled were by Randall Gilbreath and my favorite fixed-blades (and just downright most gorgeous grinds) were by Jim Siska. See if this place has anything by either fellow and give it a look... though a folder would definitely tug at the wallet, as reasonable as Gilbreath is

Have fun and tell us what you pick up! heck, just tell us about what you look at!


(Why else would a bear want a pocket?)

That's an easy question, get youself a Starmate, then throw in a couple of bucks and get a Military or an AFCK.


If you are into auto's and can get it,a James Brothers Cheyenne would fit the bill.
WOW - that is a tough call! LOL, I wish I were in your position
I would go for a medium size knife with a blade around 3" which doesn't scare the pants off of people when you pull it out to use it. How about a REKAT Pioneer II or a Benchmade 705 Axis?
Get a Busse Battle Mistress if they have one. Chris Reeve Project I or II or maybe a sebenza if not. Enjoy

Just because I talk to myself doesn't mean I'm crazy. What's wrong with getting a second opinion?
I would say for a fixed blade either a Randall,chris Reeves project one.I like my folders automatic so if they sell that kind of thing there,I would go for a Microtech Socom,UDT,MOD Trident,Benchmade Stryker.Theres so many other choices,I don't know you got your work cut out for ya, good luck!later,RS
Bart, take a look for a William Henry, either a Lancer or Spearpoint in Carbon Fiber, Cocobolo or Fishtail Oak. At least that is what I will be spending the next spare couple hundred dollars for.

How about an Axis or Pinncle and a couple of Case Copperlocks.
scott w
By the time you read this, you'll probably have gone already, but here goes:

With that money you might be able to get yourself a Microtech Socom (maybe?) or a Spydie Military. Then with the extra money you can buy check out and buy yourself a Benchmade mini-Axis lock, and out of the goodness of your heart send it to me.
Happy Father's Day!