Use protectant on kraton?

Feb 25, 1999
I have some fixed blade Blackjack knives with krayton covered handles. I want to keep them mint, stored as part of my collection. Would using a Rubber/vinyl protectant on the krayton be a good or bad idea? I like to keep knives as stock as possible but dont' know how krayton will age over the long haul. Since the knives are not exposed to light maybe protectant isn't necessary, any thoughts? As a collector do you feel this voids the "new in box" status?
I am no chemist, but some of my old Blackjacks are 12 years old and the kraton has hardened some with age.

Armor-all may not be a bad idea.

Anyone here a rubber specialist? (pardon the expression)

BDog-what Blackjacks do you have?


Anthony P. Lombardo
-will destroy knives for
Hey, are you by any chance the same Anthony who's always posting the ads for old Blackjacks? Are you also a former Blackjack sales rep? If I told you I own a "Big Dave" subhilt from Pioneer Valley Knife and Tool, would that mean anything to you?

I miss Blackjack...sob, sob...

All soft polymers will harden and degrade with time. Exposure to light and temperature extremes will accelerate the process. However simple air will oxidize it in time. A proctectant will extend the working life but there will be breakdown in time.