username and password to read JP's articles?

Nov 10, 2003
How do you set up a username and password to read John Powell's articles on
the HI site?
There doesn't seem to be a way of getting a password, either.

munk said:
There doesn't seem to be a way of getting a password, either.


Yeah, that was my biggest problem. It seems to be a legacy from something else, because none of UB's page use it. :confused:
You need a password, but there isn't a way to get one. Is that a conundrum, or an enigma?

Either way, its a good way to cut down on traffic
Certainly is a bizarre development - not exactly conducive to the spread of knowledge. John, or Uncle, or Rusty, do you know what this is about? :confused:
Gentleman, there are three reasons for me closing access to "the book"

1st was that too much of what I had written was being used by other people without my permission or attribution. Anything on the net is fair game so I can only blame myself for that, but it caused problems.

2nd is that much of what was done has been modified, corrected or deleted as new and more accurate references were found and I don't want bad information put out with my name on it. There are also inaccuracies on the some of the FAQ photos I took long ago and descriptions that should no longer apply.

3rd is purely financial. As the book gets closer to completion and possible backers sound more interested I have been told by other published authors not to "give away" what I intend to sell.

Yes, this sucks and may seem selfish, but I have every intention of building my own site in more of an outline form that can answer basic questions and give good general information.

I am sorry to have inconvenienced any of you, but be assured I will do my best to answer pertinent questions in this forum for now and the EEWRS as usual.
Makes sense.
Unfortunate about the piracy.
Maybe better to remove the links entirely;
So nobody gets their nose out of joint.

<>call me
<> Tips <> Baha'i Prayers Links --A--T--H--D
Understood. Piracy is wrong. Can't wait for the book. Hmmm... speaking of giving away/sharing with forumites, will there be a December kalendar page? Will buy your 2006 calendar... how you hook people is by giving away little bits... Again, where do you get such cool khukuris... ebay alone can't do it. Estate sales in Nepal?

I think that all here stand behind such a call on your part. It is sad that there is always someone looking to rip off anothers labors for their own ends.
I too look forward to the completion and sale of your book. Will we be able to buy signed copies for our collections? :) :cool: Maybe if I displayed a book on the subject along with all of the khuks, people would not think of them as just Ricks massive collection of weapons. :rolleyes:
At JP's request I have removed the Book Preview and some of the old 'collections' from the FAQ website/the web. There are still some of these 'inaccurate' bits and photos in some of the general FAQ site though, in all liklihood, but most of it is removed now.
