Using your knife to stir a bowl

Feb 3, 2001
My buddys old man smokes a tobacco pipe, and for as long as I can remeber he's stirred the ashes in the bowl with an old Case Equal End Pen knife. Now I've been telling him for just about as long, that by sticking the blade into the hot embers he was destroying the temper in the blade.

He's always just looked at me and said, "Yer a kid, what the hell do ya know about anythin' anyway?"

Well now maybe, someone can tell me if it's true,(about the blade losing temper).

Any help would be appreciated, although I doubt he'll believe me anyway.
Knifes are made to be used in the first place, your freind was just using it, yes after time it might loose some temper, but who cares if it's just used to stir his hot ashes as long as it doesn't break while using it for something more demanding, even if it does break off that way he can use the other blade. I don't think you were wrong T. Erdelyi, but it's just a tool and tools are made to be used in the first place.


Tobacco, yeah RIGHT...;)

In any case, it's not nearly hot enough. Seems like as good a use as any for a knife. Don't sweat it.